Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Vascular Plants of California
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Key to Packera

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Heads discoid

2. Plants < 15 cm, ± cauline leaves much reducedheads generally < 5 ..... P. werneriifolia (2)

2' Plants generally > 15 cm; cauline leaves gradually reduced; heads generally > 5

3. Caudex taprooted; leaves thin; heads generally > 10, phyllaries deep green or ± red-tipped; generally below subalpine elevations ..... P. indecora (2)

3' Caudex weakly  and  rooted; leaves thick, firm; heads generally 4–8, phyllaries deep red or green with ± red tips; often subalpine to alpine elevations ..... P. pauciflora (2)

1' Heads radiate, some with rays barely exceeding phyllaries

4. Basal leaves ± pinnately lobed

5. Herbage glabrous or at most sparsely and irregularly hairy when young

6. Caudex taprooted;  conspicuously bracted; plants in SN and e ..... P. multilobata (2)

6' Caudex fibrous rooted; peduncle not bracted or bracts inconspicuous; plants west of SNH

7. Plants stout or slender, generally < 50 cm;  leaves with 1–3 pairs of lateral terminal lobes ± round, ultimate margins evenly, regularly incised, sinuses rounded, bases ± ; heads (3)8–15+ ..... P. bolanderi var. bolanderi

7' Plants large, robust, generally > 50 cm; basal leaves with 2–6+ pairs of lateral lobes, terminal lobes  to , ultimate margins irregularly incised, bases ; heads 15–50+ ..... P. breweri

5' Herbage generally hairy or becoming glabrous near flower time

8. Heads generally 3–6; plants generally <= 3 dm; basal leaves generally <= 3 cm, with 1–3 pairs of lateral lobes ..... P. ionophylla (2)

8' Heads 5–30+; plants 2–5+ dm; basal leaves generally > 4 cm, with 2–6 pairs of lateral lobes

9. Basal leaves persistent; heads small, rays 7–10 mm; herbage evenly but lightly hairy ..... P. multilobata (2)

9' Basal leaves withering before flower; heads large, rays 10–15 mm; herbage densely hairy to becoming glabrous with age ..... P. eurycephala

10. Leaves irregularly lobed or dissected, lateral lobes coarsely , midribs winged; disturbed sites, woodland, roadsides ..... var. eurycephala

10' Leaf margins finely dissected, lateral lobes also dissected, midribs not winged; serpentine soils, rocky sites ..... var. lewisrosei

4' Basal leaves with margins various but not (or weakly) lobed

11. Herbage hairy to becoming glabrous at flower time

12. Rays red-orange; heads generally 1–3; plants generally on serpentine ..... P. greenei

12' Rays yellow; heads 2–many; plants of various soils

13. Basal leaves round to widely ovate, obovate or spoon-shaped,  >> 

14. Fruit 0.7–1 mm; phyllaries 6–8 mm; disk flowers 35–50+ ..... P. bernardina

14' Fruit 2–2.5 mm; phyllaries 7–10 mm; disk flowers 60–75+ ..... P. ionophylla (2)

13' Basal leaves ovate, , oblanceolate or narrowly spoon-shaped, petiole < or > blade

15. Plants generally 7–15 cm; heads generally < 5 ..... P. werneriifolia (2)

15' Plants 10–70+ cm; heads >= 5

16. Herbage sparsely , becoming glabrous; ray 12–16 mm, plants only on serpentine ..... P. layneae

16' Herbage canescent, woolly, or densely tomentose, sometimes becoming glabrous; ray 8–10+ mm, plants of various habitats

17. Leaves ovate, elliptic, or widely lanceolate; phyllaries tomentose, fruit 2.5–3.5+ mm ..... P. cana

17' Leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate; phyllaries glabrous, fruit 1.5–2 mm ..... P. macounii

11' Herbage glabrous or at most tomentose to woolly at flower on proximal stem, in  axils and/or at bases of heads

18. Leaves thick, firm, glaucous ..... P. clevelandii

18' Leaves thick or thin, glabrous to sparsely tomentose

19. Heads 6–20+

20. Leaves widely lanceolate to ± , margins sharply dentate, plants 5–7+ dm; heads 12–20+, phyllaries light green ..... P. pseudaurea var. pseudaurea

20' Leaves ovate, elliptic, oblanceolate, spoon-shaped, oblong or ± , margins  to dentate or weakly lobed, plants 1–8 dm; heads 6–20+, phyllaries dark green often red-tipped

21. Caudex taprooted; leaves not noticeably firm; heads generally eradiate or with ray 3–5 mm ..... P. indecora (2)

21' Caudex stout and fibrous-rooted; leaves ± thick, firm; heads radiate, ray 5–10 mm ..... P. streptanthifolia var. streptanthifolia

19' Heads 1–6(8)

22. Leaves reniform to ± round; plants only in recently burned chaparral on gabbroic soils ..... P. ganderi

22' Leaves elliptic, ovate, oblanceolate, obovate, spoon-shaped, or at most ± reniform; plants of various habitats, but not in chaparral

23. Ray 5–7 mm, deep orange-yellow; heads generally > 4 ..... P. pauciflora (2)

23' Ray 6–12+ mm, yellow; heads generally 1–4

24. Phyllaries densely tomentose;  (1)4; ray 6–10+ mm ..... P. hesperia

24' Phyllaries glabrous; head 1(3); ray 7–12+ mm ..... P. subnuda var. subnuda


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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