Key to Chylismia
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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.
1. Hypanthium 4.5–40 mm; plant with
simple Composed of a single part; undivided; unbranched.
rosette A radiating cluster of leaves generally at or near ground level.
0 or poorly developed (sect.
3. Hypanthium 4.5–12 mm;
hairs generally
spreading Oriented more or less perpendicularly to the axis of attachment; often, more or less horizontal.
, occasionally some
glandular; c&s DMoj (San Bernardino Co.), DSon
..... subsp. cardiophylla 3' Hypanthium 9–14 mm; hairs generally glandular, some spreading, nonglandular; n DMoj (Inyo Co.)
..... subsp. robusta 1' Hypanthium 0.4–8 mm; plant generally with well-developed
basal At or near the base of a plant or plant part. Especially said of leaves clustered near the ground or of a placenta confined to the base of an ovary.
rosette, occasionally cauline leaves also present; leaves generally 1-pinnate (sect.
4' Petals yellow or white, occasionally fading purple or red or base purple- or red-dotted; rosette well developed
5. Fruit generally < 2 mm wide, ± same width throughout
6. Sepals 1.5–4 mm;
hypanthium Structure generally in the shape of a tube, cup, or bowl, derived from the fused lower portions of the perianth and stamens, from which these parts seem to arise, and to which the ovary wall is fused in an inferior ovary (to which the ovary wall is partially fused in a half-inferior ovary; from which the ovary is free in a superior ovary).
1–1.5 mm;
stigma ± =
anthers; inflorescence
erect Upright; vertically oriented.
lateral leaflets < 30 mm
..... C. walkeri subsp. tortilis 6' Sepals 5–9 mm; hypanthium 3–8 mm; stigma > anthers; inflorescence nodding; lateral leaflets generally < 10 mm or 0
..... C. brevipes 7. Flower
bud 1. An incompletely developed, more or less embryonic shoot, usually covered with bud scales. 2. An unopened flower, often protected by sepals.
reflexed Abruptly bent or curved downward or backward.
petals generally fading red
..... subsp. arizonica 7' Flower bud not reflexed; petals not fading red
8' Plant
strigose With stiff, straight, sharp, appressed hairs.
(spreading-hairy proximally); sepals in bud without free tips; petals generally red-dotted
..... subsp. pallidula 5' Fruit > 2 mm wide, wider toward tip
9' Pedicel and fruit spreading or
ascending Curving or angling upward from base, or about 30-60 degrees less than vertical or away from axis of attachment.
; petals white or yellow
..... C. claviformis 10' Plant strigose or
glabrous proximally (except
Chylismia claviformis subsp.
cruciformis); free tips of sepals in bud 0 or inconspicuous (except
Chylismia claviformis subsp.
funerea); petals white or yellow
12. Plant strigose
distally, also glandular or not; free tips of sepals in bud 0 or short
..... subsp. yumae 12' Plant glabrous distally or glandular-hairy; free tips of sepals in bud 0
13. Terminal leaflet A leaf-like unit of a compound leaf; distinguished from a leaf by the absence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; lacking lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (leaf 1-compound, with primary leaflets) or compound (leaf 2-compound, with primary and secondary leaflets; 3-compound, with primary, secondary, and tertiary leaflets, etc).
ovate Egg-shaped (i.e., widest below the middle) in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane), as a leaf.
to ±
cordate Heart-shaped; often pertaining to a leaf in which the blade base on both sides of the petiole is rounded and convex.
, lateral leaflets few to many; flower generally opening at dawn
..... subsp. cruciformis 13' Terminal leaflet
lanceolate Narrowly elongate, widest in the basal half, often tapered to an acute tip.
, lateral leaflets 0–few; flower opening at dusk
..... subsp. lancifolia 11' Petals white (pale yellow in
Chylismia claviformis subsp.
14. Lateral leaflets generally well developed
14' Lateral leaflets generally 0 or poorly developed
16' Free tips of sepals in bud 0 or minute; plant ± glabrous distally or generally with some glandular hairs
..... subsp. integrior
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