Key to Pyrrocoma
View taxon page for Pyrrocoma
(For a list of species in Pyrrocoma, use the above link.)
Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.
1. Ray flowers obscure, often <<
disk flowers (heads ± disciform);
Group of bracts more or less held together as a unit, subtending a flower, fruit (acorn cup), or inflorescence.
subtended by leafy
bracts ..... P. carthamoides var. cusickii 1' Ray flowers conspicuous, >> disk flowers; involucre not subtended by leafy bracts
3. Glands sessile 
Without a petiole, peduncle, pedicel, or other kind of stalk.
; plant
heads crowded in spike-like clusters
..... P. lucida 3' Glands stalked; plant
proximally generally hairy and red-tinged; heads in raceme- or panicle-like clusters
4' Heads in raceme-like clusters; plant proximally
Covered with densely interwoven, generally matted hairs.
..... P. hirta 5. Plant densely glandular;
phyllaries ± equal, barely overlapping,
herbaceous nearly to base
..... var. hirta 5' Plant sparsely glandular; phyllaries unequal, much overlapping, herbaceous only at tip
..... var. lanulosa 7. Phyllaries ±
Longer than wide, with nearly parallel sides; wider than linear.
to oblanceolate,
graduated in 3–4
series, glabrous;
fruit glabrous
..... P. apargioides 7' Phyllaries ±
Elongate, with nearly parallel sides; narrower than elliptic or oblong.
, in 2–3 series, barely or not overlapping, generally tomentose to woolly; fruit silky
..... P. uniflora 9. Heads in ± flat-topped to panicle-like clusters
10' Leaves
Having margins that are continuous and smooth (i.e., without teeth, lobes, etc.).
or minutely
Having margins with sharp, relatively coarse teeth pointing outward, not tipward.
..... P. racemosa var. paniculata (2)
12. Stem cobwebby,
hairs tangled;
At or near the base of a plant or plant part. Especially said of leaves clustered near the ground or of a placenta confined to the base of an ovary.
leaves lanceolate 
Narrowly elongate, widest in the basal half, often tapered to an acute tip.
; phyllaries densely long-soft-hairy
..... var. pinetorum 12' Stem generally glabrous; basal leaves oblanceolate to
In the shape of a flattened circle or ellipse; wider than linear
; phyllaries
Having generally straight, conspicuous hairs along margins or edges.
..... var. racemosa 13' Heads generally crowded in a spike-like cluster
14. Involucre 12–16 mm diam, phyllaries yellow-green throughout, sparsely tomentose near base or throughout, tip glandular-ciliate
..... var. congesta 14' Involucre 5–7 mm diam, phyllaries green-tipped, leathery, ciliate (except
Gradually curved downward or backward.
margin translucent
..... var. sessiliflora
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