Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Vascular Plants of California
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Key to Lessingia

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Corolla yellow (externally occasionally pink or ± purple in peripheral flowers of Lessingia tenuis).

2. Style-branch appendage , 0.3–1.3 mm; corolla tube not purple-brown banded inside ..... L. glandulifera

3. Phyllaries persistently  ..... var. peirsonii

3' Phyllaries sparsely hairy or glandless hairs 0

4. Stem and leaves glabrous or slightly hairy to tomentose ..... var. glandulifera

4' Stem and leaves densely, persistently tomentose – e PR (San Diego Co.) ..... var. tomentosa

2' Style-branch appendage short-triangular, 0.1–0.4 mm; corolla tube purple-brown banded inside

5. Plant glandless or phyllaries rarely with sparse bead-like,  glands ..... L. germanorum

5' Plant ± glandular

6. Flowers 3–25; cauline leaves generally glandless, occasionally with bead-like sessile glands; phyllary tips ± purple; corolla of peripheral flowers yellow or occasionally pink or ± purple externally ..... L. tenuis

6' Flowers 15–30; cauline leaves with stalked and bead-like sessile glands; phyllary tips generally green (occasionally purple); corolla of peripheral flowers yellow ..... L. pectinata

7. Stem ± red to dark brown;  margin  to pinnately lobed, segments with short stiff points ..... var. pectinata

7' Stem green or tan; leaves  or dentate to pinnately lobed, segments without short stiff points ..... var. tenuipes

1' Corolla white, pink, or lavender

8. Phyllaries generally glabrous, rarely sparsely hairy, occasionally with stalked and/or bead-like sessile glands

9. Basal leaves generally persistent at flower; cauline leaves with stalked glands;  hemispheric to bell-shaped; corolla lavender (never white) ..... L. ramulosa

9' Basal leaves generally withering before flower; cauline leaves occasionally with stalked glands; involucre  to broadly obconic; corolla white (occasionally pale lavender)

10. Cauline leaves with sunken glands and occasionally with bead-like sessile and/or stalked glands; style-branch appendage generally lanceolate, occasionally short-triangular ..... L. nemaclada

10' Cauline leaves generally glandless, occasionally with sparse stalked glands; style-branch appendage short-triangular ..... L. micradenia

11. Phyllary glands 0 or bead-like, sessile ..... var. glabrata

11' Phyllaries with stalked glands ..... var. micradenia

8' Phyllaries sparsely hairy, tomentose, or woolly, occasionally with bead-like sessile glands

12. Stem ; outer phyllary tip green; inner phyllaries stiff, white; pappus pink to red ..... L. nana

12' Stem decumbent to ; outer phyllary tip green or purple; inner phyllaries scarious; pappus white to tan

13. Cauline leaves glandless

14. Basal leaves withered at flower; involucre 4–8 mm; style-branch appendage short-triangular; pappus generally < fruit (except in Sonoma Co.) ..... L. arachnoidea

14' Basal leaves generally persistent at flower; involucre (5)8–13 mm; style-branch appendage lanceolate; pappus >= fruit ..... L. hololeuca

13' Cauline leaves with sunken glands (rarely also with stalked or bead-like sessile glands in Lessingia virgata), glands occasionally obscured by hairs

15. Cauline leaves glabrous or sparsely hairy to tomentose; inflorescence open, cyme- or panicle-like, heads generally at ends of branchlets; flowers 6–25; corolla lavender (never white) ..... L. leptoclada

15' Cauline leaves generally tomentose (sparsely hairy); inflorescence spike-like, heads generally in leaf axils; flowers 3–6; corolla generally white, occasionally pale lavender ..... L. virgata


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