Jepson eFlora: Key page
Vascular Plants of California
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Key to Agavaceae

View taxon page for Agavaceae


Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Generally shrub- or tree-like; leaves thick, generally rigid

2. Ovary inferiorperianth yellow to green-yellow ..... AGAVE

2' Ovary superior; perianth white or cream to ± green, purple-tinged or -tipped or not, or red-brown abaxially, ± white adaxially

3. Fruit  generally > 2.5 cm wide, bracts generally stigma head-like ..... HESPEROYUCCA

3' Fruit erect or pendent, tardily  or generally ; peduncle generally < 2 cm wide, bracts generally ; stigma 3-lobed ..... YUCCA

1' Perennial herb, generally not shrub- or tree-like; leaves thin, flexible

4. Stem not evident above ground – leaves, flowers tufted ..... LEUCOCRINUM

4' Stem evident above ground

5. Inflorescence

6. Style thread-like, deciduous; perianth twisted together above ovary in fruit

7. Flowers open in evening, closed by morning; perianth parts 8–30 mm ..... CHLOROGALUM

7' Flowers open during day, closed by evening; perianth parts 5–8 mm ..... HOOVERIA

6' Style ± stoutpersistent; perianth not twisted together above fruit ..... HASTINGSIA (2)

5' Inflorescence a 

8. Perianth parts < 1 cm, white (green-white) to ± yellow or ± purple ..... HASTINGSIA (2)

8' Perianth parts 1.2–6 cm, white or blue to ± purple

9. Perianth parts blue to ± purple (white), fused < 5% of length;  margins not wavy ..... CAMASSIA

9' Perianth parts white with silver-green midstripe especially abaxially, fused ± 25% of length; not scapose; leaf margins wavy ..... HESPEROCALLIS


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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