Key to CalycadeniaView taxon page for Calycadenia
(For a list of species in Calycadenia, use the above link.) Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. 1. Tack-like glands of peduncle  Stalk of an individual flower borne singly, not in an inflorescence, or of an entire inflorescence, or the corresponding structure in fruit; the stalk subtending an involucre (e.g., in Asteraceae, Polygonaceae). bracts (0)1, terminal; central ray lobe  1. A major expansion or bulge, such as on the margin of a leaf, sepal, or petal, or on the surface of an ovary. 2. The free tips of otherwise fused structures, such as sepals or petals; larger than teeth. generally << laterals, widest at base 2. Corolla yellow; ray fruit generally rough-wrinkled 2' Corolla generally white, occasionally aging ± red; ray fruit generally smooth 4. Branchlets generally many, thread-like, very flexible, ray flower (0)1(2); disk flower 1–2; ray fruit ± glabrous ..... C. hooveri 4' Branchlets, if present, coarser, ± rigid, ray flower 1–5; disk flower 4–15; ray fruit ± densely appressed-hairy 5. Tack-like glands of phyllaries and paleae generally many, variable in size; disk flower corolla 7–10 mm ..... C. spicata 5' Tack-like glands generally 0 on phyllaries and paleae; disk flower corolla 5–6 mm ..... C. villosa 1' Tack-like glands of peduncle bracts generally 2–6+, terminal and/or scattered; central ray lobe <= laterals, generally widest near or beyond middle 6. Peduncle bracts ± widely oblanceolate, central channel ± not narrowed at tip, tip ± widely rounded, tack-like glands marginal, ± uniform in size; phyllaries and paleae generally without tack-like glands ..... C. mollis 6' Peduncle bracts ± linear  Elongate, with nearly parallel sides; narrower than elliptic or oblong. or elliptic  In the shape of a flattened circle or ellipse; wider than linear to lanceolate  Narrowly elongate, widest in the basal half, often tapered to an acute tip. or club-like, central channel narrowed or 0 distally, tip acute  Having a short-tapered, sharp tip, the sides convex or straight and converging at less than a right angle. , rounded, or truncate  Abruptly (not gradually) narrower or smaller at base or tip, as if cut straight across or nearly so. , tack-like glands variable in size and position; phyllaries and paleae often with tack-like glands 7' Central lobe of ray widest near or beyond middle, ± similar to laterals 8. Leaves all opposite  1. Arranged in pairs along an axis - e.g., two leaves per node. 2. Occurring in the same rank, directly above or below, as 'stamens opposite petals'. 3. Located directly across from. ; heads in congested, axillary  Pertaining to or within an axil, especially a leaf axil. and terminal clusters, appearing whorled  Arranged in groups of three or more at nodes or positions along an axis (e.g., three leaves per node). ..... C. oppositifolia 8' Leaves generally alternate  1. Arranged singly, often spirally, along an axis - e.g., one leaf per node. 2. Occurring in different ranks, appearing to be between, not directly above or below, as 'stamens alternate petals'. ; heads 1 or clustered in axils, in spike-like or diffusely branched clusters, not appearing whorled 9. Stem generally simple  Composed of a single part; undivided; unbranched. or few-branched, ± rigid, main axis generally obvious; paleae (3)4–6+, receptacle cup ± bell-shaped, length ± = diam; ray flower (1)2–6, ray yellow, cream, or white, aging ± pink; disk flower (4)6–21 ..... C. fremontii 9' Stem branched, main stem axis generally 0, branches ± many, slender, flexible, generally divergent, often zigzag; paleae 3(4), receptacle cup ± fusiform  Elongate, widest at the middle, tapered to both ends. to club-shaped, length ± 2 × diam; ray flower 1(2), ray white, aging ± pink, never yellow; disk flower 2–5 ..... C. pauciflora
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