Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
Jepson eFlora: Key page
Vascular Plants of California
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Key to Calycadenia

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(For a list of species in Calycadenia, use the above link.)

Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Tack-like glands of  bracts (0)1, terminal; central ray  generally << laterals, widest at base

2. Corolla yellow; ray fruit generally rough-wrinkled

3. Plant 1–5 dm, ± slender; ray 2–2.5(3.5) mm; disk flower 1–3 ..... C. micrantha

3' Plant 2–12 dm, occasionally robust; ray (4)5–12 mm; disk flower 3–25 ..... C. truncata

2' Corolla generally white, occasionally aging ± red; ray fruit generally smooth

4. Branchlets generally many, thread-like, very flexible, ray flower (0)1(2); disk flower 1–2; ray fruit ± glabrous ..... C. hooveri

4' Branchlets, if present, coarser, ± rigid, ray flower 1–5; disk flower 4–15; ray fruit ± densely appressed-hairy

5. Tack-like glands of phyllaries and paleae generally many, variable in size; disk flower corolla 7–10 mm ..... C. spicata

5' Tack-like glands generally 0 on phyllaries and paleae; disk flower corolla 5–6 mm ..... C. villosa

1' Tack-like glands of peduncle bracts generally 2–6+, terminal and/or scattered; central ray lobe <= laterals, generally widest near or beyond middle

6. Peduncle bracts ± widely oblanceolate, central channel ± not narrowed at tip, tip ± widely rounded, tack-like glands marginal, ± uniform in size; phyllaries and paleae generally without tack-like glands ..... C. mollis

6' Peduncle bracts ±  or  to  or club-like, central channel narrowed or 0 distally, tip , rounded, or , tack-like glands variable in size and position; phyllaries and paleae often with tack-like glands

7. Central lobe of ray widest at base, << and narrower than laterals ..... C. multiglandulosa

7' Central lobe of ray widest near or beyond middle, ± similar to laterals

8. Leaves all heads in congested,  and terminal clusters, appearing  ..... C. oppositifolia

8' Leaves generally ; heads 1 or clustered in axils, in spike-like or diffusely branched clusters, not appearing whorled

9. Stem generally  or few-branched, ± rigid, main axis generally obvious; paleae (3)4–6+, receptacle cup ± bell-shaped, length ± = diam; ray flower (1)2–6, ray yellow, cream, or white, aging ± pink; disk flower (4)6–21 ..... C. fremontii

9' Stem branched, main stem axis generally 0, branches ± many, slender, flexible, generally divergent, often zigzag; paleae 3(4), receptacle cup ±  to club-shaped, length ± 2 × diam; ray flower 1(2), ray white, aging ± pink, never yellow; disk flower 2–5 ..... C. pauciflora


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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