Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Vascular Plants of California
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Key to Arnica

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(For a list of species in Arnica, use the above link.)

Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1' Pappus of 10–50 fine bristles

2. Heads discoid, some marginal flowers occasionally with ± expanded corollas

3. Leaves widely ± 

4. Leaf toothed, net-veined abaxially between 3–5 prominent veinscorolla yellow; fruit hairy, nonglandular ..... A. venosa

4' Leaf ± , weakly 3–5-veined; corolla cream; fruit stalked-glandular ..... A. viscosa

3' Proximal and middle leaves narrowed to a ± widely winged  (except Arnica discoideaproximal leaves ± narrowly wing-petioled)

5. Phyllaries  to ; young heads generally nodding; pappus brown-yellow, ±  ..... A. parryi (2)

5' Phyllaries narrowly lanceolate to lance-ovate; young heads ; pappus white, generally short-barbed

6. Most proximal  blades lanceolate to  or ± ; petiole narrow, ± narrowly winged; fruit hairy and stalked-glandular ..... A. discoidea

6' Most proximal leaf blades ± oblanceolate; petiole ± widely winged; fruit sparsely stalked-glandular, generally otherwise glabrous ..... A. spathulata

2' Heads radiate

7. Cauline leaves generally 5–12 pairs, ± equal or gradually reduced distally on stem; heads 3–20

8. Phyllaries generally ± adaxial face of tip generally hair-tufted; tube of disk corolla generally 3–4.5 mm ..... A. chamissonis

8' Phyllaries ± , tip ± no more hairy than body; tube of disk corolla generally 2–3 mm

9. Stems 1–few from short  or ; leaves ± toothed ..... A. lanceolata subsp. prima

9' Stems clustered on short caudex-like rhizome; leaves ± entire ..... A. longifolia

7' Cauline leaves generally 2–4(6) pairs, often strongly reduced distally on stem; heads generally < 5(15)

10. Pappus (yellow-)brown, bristles ± plumose – rhizome short, freely rooting

11. Rays < 15 mm; proximal herbage ± long-spreading-hairy; young heads generally nodding ..... A. parryi (2)

11' Rays generally 15–25 mm; proximal herbage becoming glabrous to hairy or glandular; young heads erect

12. Heads spreading-bell-shaped to hemisphericcauline leaves variable, ± sessile, most proximal generally largest ..... A. mollis

12' Heads ± narrowly obconic; cauline leaf blades  to widely , at least some petioled, middle generally largest ..... A. ovata

10' Pappus ± white to straw-colored, bristles short-barbed, if bristles ± plumose, rhizome long

13. Leaf  narrow, length ± 3–6+ × width;  leaves generally densely clustered; rays yellow-orange

14. Proximal axils brown-woolly-tufted; disk corollas spreading-hairy, stalked-glandular ..... A. fulgens

14' Proximal axils glabrous or sparsely white-hairy; disk corollas stalked-glandular only ..... A. sororia

13' Leaf blade generally ± wide, length generally < 2.5 × width; basal leaves sometimes persistent, not densely clustered; rays yellow

15. Cauline leaves at least at mid-stem sessile (± sessile) ..... A. latifolia

15' Cauline leaves at least at mid-stem petioled (petiole ± wide)

16. Leaves ± thick, often fleshy and ± red; heads 1(4), often nodding in serpentine soils ..... A. cernua

16' Leaves ± thin, neither fleshy nor ± red; heads 1–5, not nodding in bud; not on serpentine

17. Proximal leaves generally toothed, ± strongly cordate (except stunted alpine plants); pappus short-barbed ..... A. cordifolia

17' Proximal leaves ± entire, base rounded (± cordate); pappus short-barbed to ± plumose ..... A. nevadensis


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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