Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Vascular Plants of California
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Key to Agoseris

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Annual from slender taprootstem often leafy above base;  10–25 mm in fruit; outer fruits sometimes wavy-ribbed (or inflated and ribless) ..... A. heterophylla

2. Ligule 10–15 mm, much exceeding involucre; anthers 2–4 mm;   generally 3–5 pairs ..... var. cryptopleura

2' Ligule 2–6 mm, ± equaling involucre; anthers 1–1.5 mm; leaf lobes generally 2–3 pairs ..... var. heterophylla

1' Perennial herb from stout taproot, generally with ; stem generally not or obscurely leafy above base; involucre 10–60 mm in fruit; outer fruits generally straight-ribbed

3. Corolla orange, pink, or ± red, generally drying ± purple

4. Involucre not glandular-hairy;  generally ± purple ..... A. aurantiaca var. aurantiaca (2)

4' Involucre ± glandular-hairy; petiole generally not purple ..... A. ×elata (2)

3' Corolla yellow, outer generally ± purple abaxially, drying ± white but purple still evident

5. Fruit beak stout, << body; inner phyllaries generally not elongating in fruit

6. Peduncle generally 5–20 cm, ± glandular-hairy, base generally ± glandular-woolly; leaf  generally 2–10 cm, generally toothed or lobed (entire), lobes generally 2(+) pairs, ± divergent, proximal lobes angled towards leaf base, distal angled towards leaf tip or ; plant generally  or  ..... A. monticola

6' Peduncle generally 20–60 cm, ± glabrous or sparsely to densely hairy, hairs glandular or not; leaf blade generally 3–30 cm, , toothed, or lobed, lobes (if present) generally > 2 pairs, spreading or all angled in same direction; plant  to spreading or  decumbent

7. Leaves glabrous and glaucous to densely hairy, entire or few-toothed or -lobed;  generally hairy or ± glabrous in age except distally; phyllaries in 3–4 series, outer generally rosy-purple except margin, generally ± glandular-hairy ..... A. ×dasycarpa

7' Leaves ± glabrous, ± glaucous, generally ± entire or weakly few-toothed; peduncle generally glabrous, occasionally sparsely hairy distally; phyllaries in 2–3 series, outer green or ± rosy-purple, generally purple-spotted, generally ± glabrous proximally (weakly ciliate), hairs glandless ..... A. glauca var. glauca

5' Fruit beak ± slender, (< 1)1–4 × body; inner phyllaries ± elongating with fruit

8. Fruit beak 10–25 mm, (< 3)3–4 × body; leaves generally pinnately lobed or toothed (entire)

9. Ligule 6–15 mm, tube 10–20 mm; anthers 2–5 mm; pappus generally 15–20 mm, bristles in 4–6 series; leaf lobes generally angled toward leaf base; fruit body tip ± , not  to beak ..... A. retrorsa

9' Ligule 3–7 mm, tube 4–7 mm; anthers 1–3 mm; pappus 7–15 mm, bristles in 2–3 series; leaf lobes generally angled toward leaf tip or spreading; fruit body tip ± abruptly tapered to beak ..... A. grandiflora

10. Plant ± robust; leaves (± entire) toothed to pinnately lobed, generally >= 10 mm wide except lobes; leaf lobes ±  to oblanceolate; flowers generally 150–500; phyllaries green or generally rosy-purple, rarely purple-spotted, outer often exceeding inner at flower ..... var. grandiflora

10' Plant ± slender; leaves pinnately lobed (toothed), generally 2–4 mm wide except lobes; leaf lobes thread-like to lance-linear; flowers generally < 100; phyllaries generally rosy-purple and often purple-spotted, outer ± = or sometimes exceeding inner at flower ..... var. leptophylla

8' Fruit beak <= 10 mm, (< 1)1–3 × body; leaves entire to pinnately lobed

11. Fruit body 5–10 mm; corolla tube 6–15 mm, rarely shorter; pappus 9–20 mm

12. Leaf lobes generally angled toward leaf base or spreading;  10–20 mm, exceeding involucre; fruit beak (< 1)1–2 × body ..... A. parviflora

12' Leaf lobes generally angled toward leaf tip or spreading; ligule 5–10(+) mm, generally ± equaling (exceeding) involucre; fruit beak generally = body

13. Involucre not glandular-hairy; petiole generally ± purple ..... A. aurantiaca var. aurantiaca (2)

13' Involucre ± glandular-hairy; petiole generally not purple ..... A. ×elata (2)

11' Fruit body 3–5 mm; corolla tube 2–6 mm; pappus 4–10 mm

14. Leaves generally pinnately lobed (toothed); leaf lobes generally 5–7(+) pairs, 2°  occasionally 1; plant generally erect, leaves all ; ± inland in ± fine-textured soils – NCoR, ScV, CW ..... A. hirsuta

14' Leaves entire to pinnately lobed; leaf lobes if present generally 3–5(+) pairs, thread-like to ± spoon-shaped, 2° lobe generally 0; plant generally decumbent to ± erect, leafy stem present and ± buried by drifting sand, or leafy stem 0; coastal dunes and sand hills ..... A. apargioides

15. Ligule 3–6 mm, not or scarcely exceeding phyllaries; anthers 1.5–2.5 mm;  glabrous or hairs generally white-opaque, glandless – n NCo (Humboldt Bay n) ..... var. maritima

15' Ligule 8–16 mm, exceeding phyllaries; anthers 3.5–4.5 mm; head glabrous or hairs generally white- or yellow-translucent, glandular

16. Plant generally glabrous to ± densely hairy, hairs ± white; leaf blade generally 1–15 mm wide except lobes,  to oblanceolate, lobes if present thread-like to ± lanceolate (spoon-shaped) – CCo (San Francisco s to Cambria) ..... var. apargioides

16' Plant generally densely hairy, hairs ± yellow; leaf blade generally 15–30 mm wide except lobes, blade and lobes oblanceolate to ± spoon-shaped – c&s NCo, n CCo (Point Reyes n to Mendocino) ..... var. eastwoodiae


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