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Key to Saxifragaceae

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Flower inconspicuous; sepals 4; petals 0; stamens 8 ..... CHRYSOSPLENIUM

1' Flower ± conspicuous; sepals 5; petals generally 5 (rarely 0, 2, or 4); stamens generally 5 or 10 (rarely 3)

2. Flower slightly to strongly 

3. Stamens 3; petals 4;  open on lower side ..... TOLMIEA

3' Stamens 5, petals 0, 2, or 5; hypanthium open or closed on lower side

4. Petals 2 (alternate upper sepals), ; hypanthium open on lower side, ± free from ovary ..... BENSONIELLA

4' Petals 0 or 5, not recurved; hypanthium closed on lower side, partly fused to ovary

5. Inflorescence  0; petals 0 or not spotted ..... HEUCHERA (2)

5' Proximal flowers replaced by bulblets; some petals ± 2-spotted ..... MICRANTHES (3)

2' Flower ± 

6. Stamens 5

7. Ovary superior – petals triangular, long-tapered;  with bulblets ..... BOLANDRA

7' Ovary generally > 1/2-inferior, at least in flower

8. Leaves  and cauline; ovary chambers 2,  2, 

9. Leaf  lobed < 3/4 to base, largest generally >> 4 cm wide; flowers > 15; inflorescence ± flat-topped or ±  to tip, branches generally > 3, with flowers generally on 1 side ..... BOYKINIA

9' Leaf blade lobed nearly to base, largest 1–4 cm wide; flowers < 15; inflorescence ± flat-topped, branches generally < 3, with flowers on all sides ..... HEMIEVA

8' Leaves generally basal (at most 3 cauline and reduced); ovary chamber 1, placentas 2, 

10. Inflorescence a ; petals ±  ..... HEUCHERA (2)

10' Inflorescence a  (spike); petals lobed

11. Petals generally 3-lobed at tip,  narrowly triangular to ; hypanthium widely obconic to bell-shaped ..... OZOMELIS

11' Petals pinnately lobed, lobes 4–10, ; hypanthium saucer-shaped

12. Cauline leaves 1–3; inflorescence blooming from tip to base; filaments >> anthers, ± 2/3 sepal ..... MITELLASTRA

12' Cauline leaves 0 (occasionally 1); inflorescence blooming from base to tip; filaments (short) < anthers ..... PECTIANTIA

6' Stamens 10

13. Inflorescence appearing before leaves

14. Leaves , generally > 1 dm wide; inflorescence 7–20 dm; flower not heterostylous ..... DARMERA

14' Leaves not peltate, << 1 dm wide; inflorescence < 3 dm; flower heterostylous ..... JEPSONIA

13' Inflorescence not appearing before leaves

15. Pistils 2; fruit follicle ..... MICRANTHES (3)

15' Pistil 1; fruit capsule

16. Ovary chamber 1, placentas parietal

17' Styles 2

18. Inflorescence a spike-like raceme; fruit valves equal, narrow; petal lobes ± 5–7, linear ..... TELLIMA

18' Inflorescence a raceme-like panicle; fruit valves unequal, wide; petal lobes 0 ..... TIARELLA

16' Ovary chambers 2, placentas ± axile (rarely distally marginal in ovary lobes)

19. Leaf blade jointed to  and falling before it; styles generally fused at base, at least in flower ..... SAXIFRAGOPSIS

19' Leaf blade not jointed to petiole nor falling before it; styles free throughout

20. Cauline leaves 0 (if present, then all leaves entire); leaves not lobed ..... MICRANTHES (3)

20' Cauline leaves present, sometimes strongly reduced; some leaves lobed

21. Stems trailing; basal leaves 0; cauline leaves evenly spaced along stemseeds spiny ..... CASCADIA

21' Stems  or trailing; basal leaves present or if 0, then cauline leaves mostly near base; seeds finely  ..... SAXIFRAGA


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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