Jepson eFlora: Key page
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Key to Papaveraceae

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Flower  or petals 4, 1 or both outer spurred or pouched at base (Fumarioideae)

2. Flower biradial; outer 2 petals alike, both pouched at base

3. Plant without leafy stems ..... DICENTRA

3' Plant with leafy stems ..... EHRENDORFERIA

2' Flower bilateral; outer 2 petals not alike, upper spurred at base

4. Fruitcapsule, generally  to , several- to many-seeded ..... CORYDALIS

4' Fruit ± a nut, ± round, 1-seeded ..... FUMARIA

1' Flower ; petals >= 4, not spurred or pouched at base (Papaveroideae)

5. Subshrub to small tree

6. Petals 4(6), yellow, 2–3 cm;   or minutely toothed ..... DENDROMECON

6' Petals 6, white, 4–10 cm; leaf deeply lobed ..... ROMNEYA

5' Annualbiennial herb, occasionally woody at base

7. Leaves entire to minutely toothed; petals generally 6

8. Plant generally glabrousstamens 4–15

9. Basal leaves , linear, fleshy; petals persistent; capsule ovoid, 1.5–2.5 mm ..... CANBYA

9' Basal leaves petioled, spoon-shaped, not fleshy; petals deciduous; capsule linear, to 50 mm ..... MECONELLA

8' Plant long-hairy; stamens > 12

10. Stigmas 3; fruit ovoid, opening by 3 valves, not breaking transversely into units ..... HESPEROMECON

10' Stigmas >= 6; fruit ovoid to widely linear, breaking transversely into 1-seeded,  units ..... PLATYSTEMON

7' Leaves toothed to dissected; petals 4, 6, or more

11. Plant spiny; leaves generally cauline ..... ARGEMONE

11' Plant unarmed; leaves , cauline, or both

12. Hairs generally ± 5–15 mm, wavy; leaves generally basal – ne DMoj ..... ARCTOMECON

12' Hairs 0 or to 3 mm, straight; leaves basal, cauline, or both

13. Ovary, fruit < 3 × longer than wide; carpels > 2; fruit opening by pores ..... PAPAVER

13' Ovary generally > 3 × (fruit > 4 ×) longer than wide; carpels 2; fruit splitting into 2 valves

14. Leaf dissected into ± linear segmentssepals 2, fused into conical cap; receptacle cup-shaped around ovary base; stigma  4–8, linear ..... ESCHSCHOLZIA

14' Leaf deeply pinnate-lobed; sepals 2, free; receptacle not cup-shaped, not around ovary base; stigma lobes 2, not linear ..... [GLAUCIUM]


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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