Key to Lentibulariaceae
View taxon page for Lentibulariaceae
Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.
1. Plant of moist
habitats, carnivorous by sticky or slimy
leaves; leaves in
A radiating cluster of leaves generally at or near ground level.
Composed of a single part; undivided; unbranched.
In the shape of a flattened circle or ellipse; wider than linear
Egg-shaped (i.e., widest below the middle) in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane), as a leaf.
corolla (pale) blue-violet, center of lower
lip white;
calyx upper lip 3-lobed, lower lip 2-lobed;
inflorescence 1-flowered, scape succulent,
bracts 0
..... PINGUICULA 1' Plant of moist or
aquatic habitats, carnivorous by bladders ± throughout; leaves
1. Arranged singly, often spirally, along an axis - e.g., one leaf per node. 2. Occurring in different ranks, appearing to be between, not directly above or below, as 'stamens alternate petals'.
A normally thin, elongate stem lying more or less flat on the ground and forming roots as well as erect stems or shoots (which become new, clonal plants) at generally widely spaced nodes; runner.
, simple or generally
dissected into narrow
segments; corolla yellow, with red-brown streaks or not; calyx upper lip unlobed, lower lip unlobed; inflorescence a
In flowering plants excluding Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and some other groups, an unbranched inflorescence in which the flowers are borne on pedicels and nearly always open from the bottom to the top of the inflorescence. 2. In Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and some other groups, a raceme-like inflorescence is one in which the inflorescence units (e.g., heads in Asteraceae; spikelets in Cyperaceae and Poaceae), instead of individual flowers, are stalked and attached directly to the main axis of the inflorescence, not to branches, and in which floral development may or may not proceed as in 1.
or 1-flowered, scape slender or
wiry, bracts present
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