Key to CyperaceaeView taxon page for Cyperaceae
Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. 1. Flower, fruit enclosed in sac-like structure (perigynium); flowers unisexual 1' Flower, fruit not enclosed in sac-like structure; flowers bisexual Both male and female reproductive parts occurring and functional in the same plant or structure (e.g., flower, spikelet, inflorescence). or some staminate 3. Flower bracts 2-ranked; spikelets 1. In Poaceae, one or more florets (each a flower with subtending lemma and generally palea) and generally 2 subtending glumes; in a sterile spikelet, the flower(s) and sometimes palea(s) are rudimentary or absent. 2. In Cyperaceae, the smallest aggregation of flowers (generally more than 2) and associated bracts. generally flat 4. Inflorescence in leaf Organ arising from a stem, generally composed of a stalk (petiole) and a flat, expanded, green, photosynthetic area (blade); distinguished from a leaflet by the presence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; sometimes with lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (toothed, lobed, or dissected but not divided into leaflets) or compound (divided into leaflets). axils; leaves cauline; stem internodes Segment of an axis (generally a stem) between successive positions (nodes) from which one or more structures (especially leaves, buds, branches, or flowers) arise. hollow ..... DULICHIUM 4' Inflorescence terminal; leaves basal At or near the base of a plant or plant part. Especially said of leaves clustered near the ground or of a placenta confined to the base of an ovary. or basal and cauline; stem internodes solid or spongy with air cavities 5. Spikelets with >= 2 sterile proximal flower bracts; leaf sheaths ± black; inflorescence head-like ..... SCHOENUS 5' Spikelets with 0–1 sterile proximal flower bracts; leaf sheaths not ± black; inflorescence head-like to openly branched 6. Spikelets with 2–36 flower bracts, each bract Reduced, leaf- or scale-like structure subtending a branch, cone scale, peduncle, pedicel, or flower. subtending a bisexual flower; fruits 2–many per spikelet 1. In Poaceae, one or more florets (each a flower with subtending lemma and generally palea) and generally 2 subtending glumes; in a sterile spikelet, the flower(s) and sometimes palea(s) are rudimentary or absent. 2. In Cyperaceae, the smallest aggregation of flowers (generally more than 2) and associated bracts. ..... CYPERUS 6' Spikelets with 2(3) flower bracts, proximal bract sterile or subtending a bisexual flower, distal sterile or subtending a staminate flower; fruits 1 per spikelet ..... KYLLINGA 3' Flower bracts spiraled (except Isolepis levynsiana); spikelets not flat (± flat in Isolepis levynsiana) 7. Flower stems generally with cauline leaves 0 (1–2 cauline in Schoenoplectus saximontanus) 8. Inflorescence bracts 0; spikelet 1; leaves 2, blade Expanded portion of a leaf, petal, or other structure, generally flat but sometimes rolled, cylindric, wavy, or cupped. 0 or tooth-like, <= 1 mm; fruit tubercle generally present ..... ELEOCHARIS 8' Inflorescence bracts >= 1; spikelets >= 1; leaves 1–3, generally some clearly bladed; fruit tubercle 0 9. Flower bract (outer if 2) with >= 3 veins; stem <= 40 cm 10' Flower bracts (1)2 per flower (a 2nd, inner bract between flower, spikelet axis generally present) ..... LIPOCARPHA 9' Flower bract with 1 vein, at least in distal-most part of spikelet; stem <= 400 cm 11' Stems (1)10–400 cm, <= 10 mm diam; spikelets 1–200, 3–23 mm, 2–7 mm wide 12. Ligule ciliate Having generally straight, conspicuous hairs along margins or edges. ; stem, leaf air cavities 0; stem wiry; flower bracts shiny, in proximal part of spikelet 3–9-veined, at least in distal-most 1-veined, tip not notched ..... AMPHISCIRPUS 12' Ligule glabrous; stem, leaf generally with air cavities; stem rarely wiry; flower bracts dull, 1-veined, tip generally notched ..... SCHOENOPLECTUS 7' Flower stems with cauline leaves >= 1 (see also Schoenoplectus saximontanus) 13. Inflorescences generally > 1, terminal and generally >= 1 axillary Pertaining to or within an axil, especially a leaf axil. 14' Flowers < 6 per spikelet 15. Stem 5–10 mm diam; leaf blades 5–10 mm wide, margins saw-toothed ..... CLADIUM 13' Inflorescence 1, terminal 16. Leaf sheath A surrounding or partially surrounding, often tubular structure or part of a structure, such as a leaf base in Apiaceae or Poaceae. tip margins scabrous or ciliate; stem, leaf blades glabrous or generally ± scabrous or puberulent Minutely hairy. 16' Leaf sheath tip margins glabrous; stem, leaf blades glabrous or on keels or angles scabrous 18. Stem cylindric Elongate, with parallel sides and, at any point, round in transverse section. ; perianth bristles 10–25, smooth, >> fruit ..... ERIOPHORUM 18' Stem 3-angled; perianth bristles 3–6(12), barbed Having sharp, normally downward- or backward-pointing projections. Said of an awn, bristle, or other structure. , < to > fruit 19. Flower bracts puberulent (glabrous in age), tip notched, generally with curved awn 1. Bristle-like appendage or elongation, generally terminal. 2. Stiff, needle-like pappus element in Asteraceae. often broken off; tubers durable ..... BOLBOSCHOENUS 19' Flower bracts glabrous, tip entire Having margins that are continuous and smooth (i.e., without teeth, lobes, etc.). or sharp-pointed, awn 0 or minute; tubers 0 20' Inflorescence openly branched with head-like clusters at branch tips; perianth bristles <= fruit ..... SCIRPUS (2)
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