Jepson Herbarium
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University of California, Berkeley
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Key to Calystegia

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(For a list of species in Calystegia, use the above link.)

Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Bracts > 1 mm below calyx, not hiding it, <= 5 mm wide or variously toothed or lobed like leaves

2. Plant glabrous or nearly so

3. Bracts  to widely elliptic-oblong,  ..... C. peirsonii (2)

3' Bracts generally , entire or  

4. Stem ± stiffly , intertwined;  linear to narrowly triangular, lobes 0 or ± linear,  rounded ..... C. longipes

4' Stem trailing to strongly climbing, ± not intertwined; leaf triangular to , lobes wider than linear, 2(3)-tipped, sinus V-shaped or ± closed ..... C. purpurata

5. Stem strongly climbing, > 1 m; leaf triangular, tip , sinus V-shaped, bracts rarely lobed ..... subsp. purpurata

5' Stem trailing to weakly climbing, generally < 1 m; leaf ovate-triangular to reniform, tip generally rounded to notched, sinus generally ± closed; bracts generally with small lobes ..... subsp. saxicola

2' Plant  to  at least around leaf sinus or at  tip

6. Bracts entire, not lobed like leaves, ±  ..... C. occidentalis subsp. occidentalis

6' Bracts toothed or lobed like leaves, stalked

7. Leaf lobes 7–9, linear, finger-like ..... C. stebbinsii

7' Leaf ± entire or lobes 2, not linear, not finger-like

8. Leaf  widely triangular to ± reniform, tip acute to  or notched, lobes generally 2-tipped; hairs ± densely  ..... C. malacophylla subsp. malacophylla

8' Leaf blade generally narrowly triangular, tip ± acute, lobes generally 1-tipped; hairs minute or fine ..... C. occidentalis subsp. fulcrata

1' Bracts < 1 mm below calyx, ± hiding it, often > 4 mm wide, not lobed like leaves

9. Bracts < 4 mm wide

10. Plant hairs dense, not  ..... C. collina subsp. tridactylosa

10' Plant hairs 0 or minutely appressed

11. Leaf blade narrowly triangular, lobes clearly defined, directed ± basally, base with deep sinus ..... C. peirsonii (2)

11' Leaf blade generally triangular-hastate to reniform, lobes not clearly defined, directed ± laterally, base  to wedge-shaped or widely rounded, occasionally with shallow sinus

12. Bracts ± ; plant glabrous ..... C. atriplicifolia subsp. buttensis (2)

12' Bracts acute; plant hairs generally minutely appressed ..... C. subacaulis subsp. episcopalis (2)

9' Bracts > 4 mm wide

13. Stem trailing or weakly to strongly climbing, >= 1 m

14. Plant from rhizomesstem not woody; peduncle 1-flowered; marshes, riverbanks, or disturbed areas

15. Bracts strongly sac-like at base, margins overlapped; corolla generally 55–75 mm ..... C. silvatica subsp. disjuncta

15' Bracts not strongly sac-like at base, margins not overlapped; corolla 30–58 mm ..... C. sepium

16. Bracts < sepals; corolla generally ± 40 mm ..... subsp. binghamiae

16' Bracts generally > sepals; corolla 30–58 mm ..... subsp. limnophila

14' Plant from woody , lower stem often woody; peduncle often > 1-flowered; generally dry places ..... C. macrostegia

17. Bracts 16–30 mm wide, strongly keeled to ± sac-like at base

18. Bracts 19–37 mm; calyx 16–25 mm; corolla 47–68 mm; stamens 23–35 mm; s ChI ..... subsp. amplissima

18' Bracts 13–26 mm; calyx 10–22 mm; corolla 36–60 mm; stamens 17–26 mm; n ChI ..... subsp. macrostegia

17' Bracts 4–16 mm wide, flat or ± keeled

19' Bracts acute

20' Leaves glabrous to puberulent

21. Leaf blade triangular, > 7 mm wide except basal lobes ..... subsp. intermedia

21' Leaf blade linear to narrowly triangular, < 7 mm wide except basal lobes ..... subsp. tenuifolia

13' Stem not or only weakly climbing, < 1 m

22. Plant hairs 0 or sparsely appressed-minute and leaf triangular-hastate to reniform

23. Corolla deep pink or ± purple; leaf reniform, glabrous, ± fleshy; ocean beaches, dunes ..... C. soldanella

23' Corolla white or ± yellow (pink- or purple-tinged); leaf ± reniform or not, glabrous or not, not fleshy; inland

24. Bracts obtuse; plant generally glabrous ..... C. atriplicifolia subsp. buttensis (2)

24' Bracts acute; plant generally minutely appressed-hairy ..... C. subacaulis subsp. episcopalis (2)

22' Plant tomentose or hairs densely spreading, or leaf not triangular-hastate to reniform

25. Stem well developed, < 100 cm, without basal  of leaves

26. Plant tomentose; leaf margin wavy ..... C. collina subsp. venusta (2)

26' Plant tomentose or hairs densely spreading; leaf margin not wavy ..... C. malacophylla

27. Leaf widely triangular to ± reniform, tip generally obtuse to notched, lobes generally 2-tipped; hairs brown or golden-brown (± gray); CaR, SN ..... subsp. malacophylla

27' Leaf ± narrowly triangular, tip generally acute, lobes generally 1-tipped (2nd tip 0 or poorly developed); hairs ± gray (± brown); SnFrB, SCoR, WTR ..... subsp. pedicellata

25' Stem poorly developed, < 30 cm, <= basal rosette of leaves

28. Plant hairs sparse to ± dense, short, spreading to ; leaf margin not or ± wavy ..... C. subacaulis subsp. subacaulis

28' Plant ± tomentose; leaf margin wavy ..... C. collina

29. Sepals tomentose ..... subsp. venusta (2)

29' Sepals glabrous or  at center

30. Leaf tip obtuse, lobes generally indistinct, blade triangular to reniform ..... subsp. collina

30' Leaf tip acute, lobes distinct, blade triangular ..... subsp. oxyphylla


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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