Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Key to Ivesia

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Leaf ± flat, leaflets toothed or lobed generally < 3/4 to base, generally ± separate – plants  or hanging clumps

2. Stamens 15–40 – s SNH, SnBr, PR, SNE, DMtns ..... I. saxosa

2' Stamens 5–10

3. Hypanthium bractlets 5; MP, adjacent SNH ..... I. baileyi

4. Petals pale yellow;  bractlets ± = sepals ..... var. baileyi

4' Petals white; hypanthium bractlets ± < 1/2 sepals ..... var. beneolens

3' Hypanthium bractlets generally 0; DMtns

5. Hypanthium width <= length, receptacle stalked in pistil-bearing portion; n DMtns ..... I. arizonica var. arizonica

5' Hypanthium width > 2 × length; receptacle not stalked; e DMtns ..... I. patellifera

1' Leaf ± , leaflets generally lobed ± to base, overlapped

6. Stamens 10–20 (if 10, cauline leaves >= 3)

7. Leaflets < 8 per side; stems hanging to ± matted;  few- to many-branched; rock outcrops

8. Leaflet  < 4; petals white; SnJt ..... I. callida

8' Leaflet lobes 3–6; petals yellow; e DMtns ..... I. jaegeri

7' Leaflets > 10 per side; stems  to ; caudex 0–few-branched; meadows, sandy flats

9. Leaflets generally 15–20 per side; sheathing  bases glabrousstamens 10–16, filament ± < 1 mm; style < 1.5 mm

10. Petals 4(5), pale yellow; inflorescence not red-tinged; s SNH ..... I. campestris

10' Petals 5, white or pink-tinged; inflorescence often red-tinged; c&s SNH ..... I. unguiculata

9' Leaflets >= 20 per side; sheathing leaf bases generally ± ; stamens 15–20; filament 1–4 mm; style ± > 2 mm

11. Inflorescence of separate flowers or generally < 5-flowered clusters;  generally > 5 mm; leaflets generally 30–80 per side

12. Leaf mousetail-like, leaflets indistinct, obscured by dense, silvery hairs, lobes < 1.5 mm; stamens 15; pistil 1; granitic sand – SNH, TR, SnJt ..... I. santolinoides

12' Leaf not mousetail-like, leaflets overlapped but distinct, not obscured by hairs, lobes >= 2 mm; stamens 20; pistils >= 2; meadows

13. Herbage hairs ± 0 or , < 1 mm; petals ± obovate; alkali meadows; n SNE ..... I. kingii var. kingii

13' Herbage hairs , < 4 mm; petals ± oblanceolate; generally on serpentine clays; c KR ..... I. pickeringii

11' Inflorescence of generally > 5-flowered clusters; pedicels generally < 3 mm (except lowest); leaflets 20–35 per side

14. Stem 10–20 cm, ± decumbent; leaves generally 4–8 cm, cauline ± 2; filament ± flat; SnBr ..... I. argyrocoma var. argyrocoma

14' Stem generally > 20 cm, decumbent to erect; leaves > 8 cm, cauline >= 3; filament thread-like, not flat; n SNH, MP

15. Petals white; hypanthium length >= width; hairs of stem base ± spreading, 2–4 mm ..... I. sericoleuca

15' Petals yellow; hypanthium length <= width; hairs of stem base , < 2 mm ..... I. aperta

16. Petals 2–3 mm, oblanceolate; filament 1–1.5 mm; n SNH (except Dog Valley), s MP ..... var. aperta

16' Petals generally 4–7 mm, ± obovate; filament 2–4 mm; n SNH (Dog Valley, e Sierra Co.) ..... var. canina

6' Stamens 5 or 10; cauline leaves 1–3

17. Hypanthium bractlets > sepals – KR (Castle Crags) ..... I. longibracteata

17' Hypanthium bractlets ± 1/2 sepals

18. Inflorescence generally ± open between separate flowers or of ± loose clusters; plant ± matted from much-branched caudex; pedicels generally ± S-shaped in fruit; sheathing leaf bases strigose

19. Stamens 10; pistils 10–30 – c&s SNH ..... I. pygmaea (2)

19' Stamens 5; pistils generally < 5

20. Petals white to pale ± yellow, , ± 1 mm; plant densely hairy, glands not obvious; 1400–1800 m; MP ..... I. paniculata

20' Petals yellow, oblanceolate, ± 2 mm; plant moderately hairy, glands many; 2700–4000 m; n&c SNH, W&I ..... I. shockleyi var. shockleyi

18' Inflorescence of 1–few generally head-like, 3–20-flowered clusters (becoming more open in Ivesia webberi); plant generally rosetted from 0–few-branched caudex; pedicels straight in fruit; sheathing leaf-bases hairy or not

21. Cauline leaves 2, ± ; leaflets 4–8 per side, lobes linear to ; 1500–1900 m – s-most MP, adjacent n SNH ..... I. webberi

21' Cauline leaves generally 1 or ; leaflets > 8 per side, lobes oblanceolate to ± round; > 1800 m

22. Leaf mousetail-like, leaflets indistinct, < 1 mm, hidden by dense, silvery hairs; petals 1–2 mm – c&s SNH ..... I. muirii

22' Leaf not mousetail-like, leaflets overlapped but distinct, generally > 1 mm, ± glabrous to ± hairy; petals >= 2 mm

23. Stamens 10; sheathing leaf-bases generally ± strigose; hypanthium length ± < l/2 width – c&s SNH ..... I. pygmaea (2)

23' Stamens 5; sheathing leaf-bases not strigose (± glabrous or glandular); hypanthium length > 1/2 width

24. Hypanthium length >= width; petals narrow-oblanceolate; pistils generally 2–4; fruit ± 2 mm, mottled brown ..... I. gordonii

25. Stems ascending to erect, generally not ± red ..... var. alpicola

25' Stems  to ascending, dark ± red ..... var. ursinorum

24' Hypanthium length ± < width; petals ± obovate; pistils generally 5–15; fruit 1–1.5 mm, not mottled ..... I. lycopodioides

26. Leaflet lobes ± 1 mm, ± round, ± glabrous; petals 2–3 mm – rocky areas; n&c SNH, SNE (Sweetwater Mtns) ..... var. lycopodioides

26' Leaflet lobes >= 1 mm, narrow-oblanceolate to obovate, often ± hairy; petals generally > 3 mm

27. Leaflet lobes 2–8 mm, ± glabrous to sparsely hairy, bristle-tip 0–0.5 mm; wet meadows; c&s SNH ..... var. megalopetala

27' Leaflet lobes 1–3 mm, moderately to densely hairy, bristle-tip generally 0.5–1 mm; vernally moist, rocky areas; c&s SNH, W&I ..... var. scandularis


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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