Key to StipaView taxon page for Stipa
(For a list of species in Stipa, use the above link.) Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. 1. Florets 2–6 per spikelet 1. In Poaceae, one or more florets (each a flower with subtending lemma and generally palea) and generally 2 subtending glumes; in a sterile spikelet, the flower(s) and sometimes palea(s) are rudimentary or absent. 2. In Cyperaceae, the smallest aggregation of flowers (generally more than 2) and associated bracts. ..... S. mauritanica 1' Florets 1 per spikelet 2. Palea grooved lengthwise 3. Blade 0.8–1.5 mm wide; awns 1. Bristle-like appendage or elongation, generally terminal. 2. Stiff, needle-like pappus element in Asteraceae. 10–16 mm ..... S. purpurata 4. Leaf tips sharp, stiff; lemma In Poaceae, the lower, generally larger of two sheathing bracts subtending a flower, generally ensheathing the palea (in a sterile lemma, the associated flower and sometimes palea are rudimentary or absent); with the palea and flower, comprising the floret. awn 1. Bristle-like appendage or elongation, generally terminal. 2. Stiff, needle-like pappus element in Asteraceae. glabrous to scabrous; fruit ribbed ..... S. brachychaeta 4' Leaf tips acute Having a short-tapered, sharp tip, the sides convex or straight and converging at less than a right angle. to acuminate Having a long-tapered, sharp tip, the sides concave. , not both sharp and stiff; lemma awn glabrous to scabrous or hairy; fruit not ribbed 5. Lemma margins in age strongly overlapping entire Having margins that are continuous and smooth (i.e., without teeth, lobes, etc.). length, lemma body generally bumpy throughout, tip with crown; palea 1. In Asteraceae, a scale-like bract that subtends an individual flower on the receptacle (equal to 'chaff scale' in TJM), absent in some genera, restricted to a ring separating ray and disk flowers in most tarweed species. 2. In Poaceae, the distal, generally smaller of two sheathing bracts subtending a flower, generally two-veined and -keeled and ensheathed by the lemma; with the lemma and flower, comprising the floret. 1/4–1/2 lemma, glabrous, veins 0 6. Lemma crown generally sharply constricted proximally, distinct from rest of lemma, ± 1/5 lemma, lemma body in age distally ± glabrous ..... S. manicata 6' Lemma crown gradually expanded proximally, weakly to ± distinct from lemma, < 1/6 lemma, lemma body in age distally hairy to ± glabrous, or if crown constricted proximally then lemma body hairy in age 7. Lemma crown hairs 0.3–0.6 mm, awn 12–55 mm, ± 0.1 mm diam, callus 0.4–1.6 mm, lemma body generally hairy in age; stem 0.8–1.2 mm diam ..... S. lepida 7' Lemma crown hairs 0.8–1.1 mm, awn 38–110 mm, 0.2–0.4 mm diam, callus 1.4–3.6 mm, lemma body hairy to mostly glabrous in distal 3/4 in age; stem 1–3.1 mm diam 5' Lemma margins in age generally not or only ± overlapping at least part of length, or strongly overlapping in some species with smooth lemmas In Poaceae, the lower, generally larger of two sheathing bracts subtending a flower, generally ensheathing the palea (in a sterile lemma, the associated flower and sometimes palea are rudimentary or absent); with the palea and flower, comprising the floret. ; lemma bodies generally smooth proximally, tip generally 1–2-lobed; palea 1/3 to ± > lemma, 2-veined at least proximally, generally hairy, or both lemma and palea glabrous 9. Floret callus 1.7–6 mm, sharp-pointed; awn 35–225 mm; perennial Completing life cycle (germination through death) in more than two years or growing seasons, generally non-woody (at least above ground) to woody; includes perennial herbs as well as subshrubs to trees; the abbreviation 'per' only refers to perennial herb, not to the word 'perennial' alone. herb or annual 10' Lemma awn proximally scabrous to densely hairy but neither long-hairy nor feather-like; perennial herb or annual 11. Annual, florets In Poaceae, a single flower and its immediately subtending bracts (lemma and generally palea, the lemma subtending the palea when the latter is present); in a sterile floret, the flower and sometimes palea are rudimentary or absent. 4–7 mm; callus 1.7–2.3 mm; awns proximally hairy, hairs generally visible without a hand lens ..... S. capensis 11' Perennial herb; florets 7–13 mm; callus 2–4 mm; awn proximally hairy but hairs generally not easily visible without a hand lens ..... S. comata 12. Distal awn segment 40–120 mm, wavy to curled in age; proximal stem nodes Position on a stem from which one or more structures (especially leaves, buds, branches, or flowers) arise. generally concealed by leaf Organ arising from a stem, generally composed of a stalk (petiole) and a flat, expanded, green, photosynthetic area (blade); distinguished from a leaflet by the presence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; sometimes with lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (toothed, lobed, or dissected but not divided into leaflets) or compound (divided into leaflets). sheaths; panicles 1. In flowering plants excluding Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and some other groups, a branched inflorescence in which the basal or lateral flowers (or some of them) open before the terminal or central flowers on any axis. 2. In Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and some other groups, a panicle-like inflorescence is one in which at least some of the inflorescence units (e.g., heads in Asteraceae; spikelets in Cyperaceae and Poaceae), instead of individual flowers, are attached (stalked or unstalked) to branches and not directly to the main axis of the inflorescence and in which floral development may or may not proceed as in 1. in age generally partially enclosed in most distal sheath A surrounding or partially surrounding, often tubular structure or part of a structure, such as a leaf base in Apiaceae or Poaceae. ..... var. comata 12' Distal awn segment 30–80 mm, straight; proximal stem nodes generally exposed; panicles in age generally fully exserted Protruding out of surrounding structure(s) (e.g., stamens exserted from corolla). ..... var. intermedia 9' Floret callus 0.1–2 mm, blunt- to sharp-pointed, awn 3–80 mm; perennial herb 13. Florets <= 2.5 mm; lemma glabrous, occasionally sparsely hairy in Stipa divaricata 14. Leaf blade Expanded portion of a leaf, petal, or other structure, generally flat but sometimes rolled, cylindric, wavy, or cupped. 0.5–2.5 mm wide, margins generally inrolled; panicle 1. In flowering plants excluding Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and some other groups, a branched inflorescence in which the basal or lateral flowers (or some of them) open before the terminal or central flowers on any axis. 2. In Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and some other groups, a panicle-like inflorescence is one in which at least some of the inflorescence units (e.g., heads in Asteraceae; spikelets in Cyperaceae and Poaceae), instead of individual flowers, are attached (stalked or unstalked) to branches and not directly to the main axis of the inflorescence and in which floral development may or may not proceed as in 1. 5–20 cm, proximal inflorescence nodes 1–3-branched ..... S. divaricata 13' Florets >= 2.8 mm; lemma hairy throughout or at least in proximal 3/4 15. Florets ± obovoid, length generally <= 3 × width; lemma densely long-hairy at least in youth, awn early-deciduous ..... S. hymenoides 15' Florets elongate-ellipsoid to fusiform Elongate, widest at the middle, tapered to both ends. , length >= 4 × width; lemma hairy to densely hairy (partly glabrous), awn persistent or not, or if length < 4 × width then awn persistent and floret not densely long-hairy 16. Awns persistent, proximally densely long-hairy, at least some hairs 0.5–8 mm 17. Distal leaves on stem with ligules 3–8 mm; lemma tip 1-lobed, lobe 1. A major expansion or bulge, such as on the margin of a leaf, sepal, or petal, or on the surface of an ovary. 2. The free tips of otherwise fused structures, such as sepals or petals; larger than teeth. <= 0.1 mm, thick, leathery ..... S. thurberiana 17' Distal leaves on stem with ligules 0.3–3 mm; lemma tip generally 2-lobed or lobes 1. A major expansion or bulge, such as on the margin of a leaf, sepal, or petal, or on the surface of an ovary. 2. The free tips of otherwise fused structures, such as sepals or petals; larger than teeth. occasionally 0, lobes <= 1 mm, thin, membranous 18. Lemma awn bent 1 ×, proximally densely long-hairy, feather-like, hairs 3–8 mm ..... S. speciosa (2) 18' Lemma awn bent 2 ×, proximally hairy, ± feather-like or not, hairs <= 2 mm 19. Awns proximally with hairs gradually, evenly decreasing in length distally, or hairs of equal length; hairs at lemma tip < or generally ± = longest proximal awn hairs 20. Floret 8–9 mm; lemma 1.2–1.7 × palea; glumes 1.3–1.9 mm wide from midvein to margin ..... S. latiglumis (2) 21. Distal awn segment generally densely hairy; stem 0.3–1 mm diam, internodes Segment of an axis (generally a stem) between successive positions (nodes) from which one or more structures (especially leaves, buds, branches, or flowers) arise. glabrous; glumes generally ± purple ..... var. occidentalis (2) 21' Distal awn segment generally scabrous or glabrous, occasionally densely hairy at segment base; stem 0.5–2 mm diam, internodes glabrous to densely hairy; glumes generally green 22. Proximal 2 awn segments scabrous or densely hairy, hairs of mixed lengths; lemma tip hairs > proximal awn hairs ..... var. californica (2) 22' Proximal 2 awn segments densely hairy, hairs gradually and evenly shorter towards 1st bend; lemma tip hairs ± = proximal awn hairs ..... var. pubescens (2) 19' Awn proximally with mixed-length hairs, longer hairs mixed with shorter; hairs at lemma tip longer than most proximal awn hairs 23' Florets 5–7.5 mm; glumes 0.6–1 mm wide from midvein to margin 25. Distal awn segment generally densely hairy; stem 0.3–1 mm diam, internodes glabrous; glumes generally ± purple ..... var. occidentalis (2) 25' Distal awn segment generally scabrous or glabrous, occasionally densely hairy at segment base; stem 0.5–2 mm diam, internodes glabrous to densely hairy; glumes generally green 26. Proximal 2 awn segments scabrous or densely hairy, hairs of mixed lengths; lemma tip hairs > proximal awn hairs ..... var. californica (2) 26' Proximal 2 awn segments densely hairy, hairs gradually and evenly shorter towards 1st bend; lemma tip hairs ± = proximal awn hairs ..... var. pubescens (2) 16' Awns persistent or not, proximally scabrous or with hairs < 0.5 mm 27. Glumes ovate Egg-shaped (i.e., widest below the middle) in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane), as a leaf. to narrowly ovate, 3–6 mm; lemma awn 3.9–14 mm 28. Leaf blade ± 0.3 mm wide, thread-like, wavy or curled; inflorescence branches appressed Parallel or nearly parallel to and often in contact with surface of origin; used to describe the disposition of hairs, leaves, pedicels, etc. to main axis or not; glumes 3–4.5 mm; lemma awn 10–14 mm ..... S. kingii 28' Leaf blade 0.6–1.4 mm wide, straight, erect Upright; vertically oriented. , generally folded; inflorescence branches ± appressed to main axis; glumes 3.5–6 mm; lemma awn 3.9–7 mm ..... S. exigua 27' Glumes narrowly lanceolate Narrowly elongate, widest in the basal half, often tapered to an acute tip. to lanceolate, >= 6 mm; lemma awn (4)10–80 mm 29. Lemma evenly hairy, hairs 1.2–6 mm, hairs at lemma middle generally ± = hairs at tip of lemma body 31. Sheaths not flat and ribbonlike in age; blade margins generally inrolled, 0.2–0.4 mm thick, 0.5–1 mm wide when flat; awn bent 2 × ..... S. pinetorum 31' Sheaths flat and ribbonlike in age; blade 0.5–1.5 mm thick when margins inrolled, <= 7 mm wide when flat; awn bent 1–2 × 29' Lemma glabrous or hairs 0.2–1.5(2) mm at lemma middle, distally glabrous or hairy, hairs at lemma middle generally < hairs at tip of lemma body 33. Lemma tip hairs 2–7 mm, generally >= 1 mm > hairs at lemma middle 33' Lemma tip hairs <= 2.2 mm or 0, generally < 1 mm > hairs at lemma middle 35' Distal awn segment straight or ± arched 36. Lemma tip 2-lobed, lobes 1–3 mm; palea >= lemma, tip 2-lobed, veins extending into lobes ..... S. stillmanii 36' Lemma tip not lobed or lobes <= 1.2 mm; palea <= lemma, tip unlobed, palea veins ending before or at palea tip 37. Lemma tip lobes thick, stiff, ± 0.1 mm; florets ± compressed Flattened side-to-side or front-to-back. ..... S. lemmonii 38. Proximal leaf sheaths, stem glabrous to hairy, not tomentose Covered with densely interwoven, generally matted hairs. , hairs <= 0.2 mm ..... var. lemmonii 37' Lemma tip lobes membranous, 0.1–1.2 mm; florets not compressed 39. Proximal internodes densely hairy 3–9 mm below nodes, elsewhere less densely hairy and hairs shorter ..... S. diegoensis 39' Proximal internodes glabrous or ± hairy <= 5 mm below nodes, elsewhere generally glabrous 40. Lemma (1.1)1.2–1.3 × palea; palea tip hairs extending beyond tip; lemma awn 12–25 mm; leaf blades 0.5–2 mm wide ..... S. lettermanii 40' Lemma 1.5–3 × palea; palea tip hairs generally not extending beyond tip; lemma awn 19–31 mm; leaf blades (0.5)1.2–5 mm wide ..... S. nelsonii var. dorei
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