Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Key to Muhlenbergia

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Annual

2. Lemma awned,  1–3 cm,  2.5–6 mm

3. Lemma generally 4.5–6 mm; inflorescence generally < 1.5 cm wide, branches closely glumes generally 1–2 mm ..... M. appressa

3' Lemma generally 2.5–4.5 mm; inflorescence 1–5 cm wide, branches  to ; glumes generally < 1 mm ..... M. microsperma (2)

2' Lemma short-awned, awn < 1 mm, or awn 0; lemma < 2.5 mm

4. Inflorescence narrow, < 1 cm wide; branches closely appressed; stems often rooting at lower  ..... M. filiformis (2)

4' Inflorescence open, 1.5–8 cm wide; branches , ascending to spreading; stems not rooting at lower nodes

5. Inflorescence branches stiffly spreading to reflexed ± 90° from axis; glumes glabrous teeth 2, 1 on each side ..... M. fragilis

5' Inflorescence branches ascending < 80° from axis;  tip short-hairy; ligule  to , irregularly short-toothed ..... M. minutissima

1' Perennial herb

6. Lemma awn 0 or short-awned, awn < 1 mm

7. Ligule 10–25 mm ..... M. emersleyi (3)

7' Ligule <= 5 mm

8. Inflorescence 5–14 cm wide, open, branches spreading ..... M. asperifolia

8' Inflorescence <= 4 cm wide, narrow, branches ascending to appressed, occasionally loosely spreading

9. Rhizomes creeping, ± scaly; stems ±  to 

10. Glumes 2.5–4 mm, ± = lemma; lower 1/2 lemma short-soft-hairy ..... M. californica (2)

10' Glumes 0.5–1.8 mm, ± 1/2 lemma; lemma glabrous to ± scabrous

11. Ligule generally 1–2.5 mm; inflorescence axis generally obscured by branches,  ..... M. richardsonis

11' Ligule generally < 1 mm; inflorescence axis generally visible between branches ..... M. utilis

9' Rhizomes 0; stems clumped or decumbent and ± rooting at nodes

12. Blade < 4 cm; lemma generally < 2 mm; stem generally < 3 dm ..... M. filiformis (2)

12' Blade >= 5 cm; lemma generally > 2.5 mm; stem 2–15 dm

13. Inflorescence <= 15 cm, 1.5–4 cm wide; branches loosely flowered ..... M. jonesii

13' Inflorescence 15–60 cm, <= 1.2 cm wide; branches densely flowered ..... M. rigens

6' Lemma awn 1–30 mm

14. Inflorescence open, 6–15 cm wide, branches spreading

15. Ligule 10–25 mm, ; inflorescence 20–45 cm;  20–50 cm, 2–6 mm wide; lemma 2–3 mm; stems stout, laterally  near base; glumes >= lemma ..... M. emersleyi (3)

15' Ligule 1–2.5(4) mm, truncate; inflorescence 4–14 cm; blade 2–8 cm, 0.5–2 mm wide; lemma 3–4.5 mm; stems wiry with rounded knotty base; glumes < lemma..... M. porteri

14' Inflorescence generally < 6 cm wide, branches ascending to appressed, occasionally spreading

16. Glumes 1 or 2, generally < 0.5 mm, vein 0 ..... [M. schreberi]

16' Glumes 2, generally > 0.5 mm, vein(s) evident

17. Rhizome generally scaly, creeping

18. Blade generally rolled, < 2 mm wide; anther purple, 1.5–3 mm

19. Lemma,  short-soft-hairy on lower 1/2; stems loosely clumped, decumbent ..... M. arsenei (2)

19' Lemma base sparsely short-hairy; palea glabrous to ± scabrous; stems erect, ± rooting at lower nodes ..... M. pauciflora (2)

18' Blade generally flat, >= 2 mm wide; anther yellow, generally <= 1.5 mm

20. Hairs at lemma base 2–3.5 mm ..... M. andina

20' Hairs at lemma base < 1.5 mm

21. Lemma awn generally < 2.2 mm; anther 1–1.5 mm ..... M. californica (2)

21' Lemma awn 2.5–9 mm; anther < 0.5 mm ..... M. mexicana

17' Rhizomes 0

22. Upper glume 3-veined, 3-toothed ..... M. montana

22' Upper glume generally 1-veined, obtuse, , or awned

23. Lower glume 2-veined, 2-awned; inflorescence 5–8 mm wide, spike-like, dense ..... M. alopecuroides

23' Lower glume 1-veined, with 1 awn or awnless; inflorescence 5–30 mm wide, dense to loose

24. Glumes 0.5–1 mm, obtuse; cleistogamous spikelets generally present in lowermost stem axils ..... M. microsperma (2)

24' Glumes generally 1.5–3.5 mm, acute, acuminate, or awned; cleistogamous spikelets 0

25. Inflorescence 20–45 cm; blade 20–50 cm, 2–6 mm wide; ligule 10–25 mm; lemma 2–3 mm; stems laterally compressed near base, without  ..... M. emersleyi (3)

25' Inflorescence 4–12 cm; blade 1–8 cm, 0.5–2 mm wide; ligule 1–2.5 mm; lemma 3.5–5 mm; stems rounded near base, often with short, knot-like rhizome

26. Lemma, palea short-soft-hairy on lower 1/2; stems loosely clumped, decumbent ..... M. arsenei (2)

26' Lemma base sparsely short-hairy; palea glabrous to ± scabrous; stems erect, ± rooting at lower nodes ..... M. pauciflora (2)


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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