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Key to Elymus

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1' Perennial herb

2. Inflorescence branched, at least at base

3. Stem 11–35 dm, 6–10 mm wide at base;  15–35 mm wide;  10–40 per  (inc branches) ..... E. condensatus

3' Stem 6.5–21 dm, 3.5–5 mm wide at base; blade 6–15 mm wide; spikelet 2–6 per node ..... E. ×gouldii (2)

2' Inflorescence spike-like (raceme-like),   or some slightly stalked (< 1 mm)

4. Plants of coastal beaches, dunes, and bluffs

5. Glumes awl-like ..... E. pacificus

5' Glumes flat, 

6. Glumes 1–2 mm wide at mid-length, keeled ..... E. ×vancouverensis

6' Glumes 3–5 mm wide at mid-length, rounded ..... E. mollis subsp. mollis

4' Plants of other habitats

7. Glumes 0 or << lowest  ..... E. californicus

7' Glumes 2 (on at least upper spikelets in Elymus salina), equal or unequal, but > 1/2 lowest lemma

8. Inflorescence axis breaking apart with age

9. Spikelets generally 1 per node; glumes narrowly lanceolate ..... E. scribneri

9' Spikelets 2(3) per node; glumes awn-like

10. Glumes cleft into 3–9 awn-like divisions; auricles generally present ..... E. multisetus

10' Glumes  or 2(3)-cleft; auricles often lacking ..... E. elymoides

11. Glumes 2 on all spikelets;  veins generally not extended as short bristles ..... var. brevifolius

11' Glumes on spikelets at lower  appearing to be 3, 1 a glume-like sterile floret; palea veins generally extended as short bristles

12. Glumes entire; lemma  generally >  awns ..... var. californicus

12' Some glumes with 2–3 awn-like divisions; lemma awns generally < glume awns ..... var. elymoides

8' Inflorescence axis remaining intact with age

13. Lemma  generally 10–40 mm

14. Lemma awn curving outward with age

15. Stem  at base, 30–100 cm; sagebrush steppe, woodland, < 1650 m ..... E. spicatus

15' Stem  at base, generally 20–50 cm; alpinesubalpine conifer forest, > 1800 m ..... E. sierrae

14' Lemma awn straight or wavy, but not curving outward (sometimes slightly curved in Elymus glaucus)

16. Spikelets generally 2 per node ..... E. glaucus subsp. glaucus

16' Spikelets generally 1 per node

17. Anthers 4–7 mm; inflorescence  generally 9–27 mm ..... E. stebbinsii (2)

17' Anthers 1.2–2.5 mm; inflorescence internodes generally 7–9 mm ..... E. trachycaulus subsp. trachycaulus (2)

13' Lemma awn 0–10(15) mm

18. Glumes generally awl-like, or if lanceolate, then often inconspicuously 0–3(5)-veined, hard or tough textured, and awn-tipped or 

19. Spikelets 2–7 per node

20. Stem node region generally densely pubescent; plants generally  ..... E. cinereus

20' Stem node region glabrous; plants rhizomatous

21. Leaf blades generally 3–6 mm wide; spikelets 2(3) per node, 3–7  ..... E. triticoides (2)

21' Leaf blades generally 6–15 mm wide; spikelets 2–6 per node, with 6–9 florets ..... E. ×gouldii (2)

19' Spikelets generally 1 per node (sometimes 2–3 in Elymus salina)

22. Florets generally twisted so that back of lowermost lemma centered between glumes ..... E. triticoides (2)

22' Florets not twisted, back of lowermost lemma not centered between glumes

23. Plants generally cespitose (sometimes weakly rhizomed); stem 30–90 cm; cauline leaves present; glumes not curved distally ..... E. salina

23' Plants rhizomatous; stem 20–100 cm; leaves mostly ; glumes ± curved distally ..... E. smithii

18' Glumes flat, narrowly to broadly lanceolate, strongly 3–9-veined, thin (if thickened, tip obtuse)

24. Glume tips rounded,  to 

25. Plants rhizomatous; midvein of glume more prominent than lateral veins ..... E. hispidus

25' Plants cespitose; midvein of glume and lateral veins ± equally prominent ..... E. ponticus

24' Glume tips acute to  and/or awned

26. Rhizomes present

27. Leaf blade 1–6 mm wide; lemma hairy ..... E. lanceolatus subsp. lanceolatus

27' Leaf blade 6–14 mm wide; lemma glabrous ..... E. repens

26' Rhizomes generally 0

28. Spikelets generally 2 per node ..... E. glaucus subsp. virescens

28' Spikelets generally 1 per node

29. Anthers 4–7 mm; inflorescence internodes generally 9–27 mm ..... E. stebbinsii (2)

29' Anthers 1.2–2.5 mm; inflorescence internodes generally 7–9 mm ..... E. trachycaulus subsp. trachycaulus (2)


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