Key to Deschampsia
View taxon page for Deschampsia
(For a list of species in Deschampsia, use the above link.)
Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.
1. Annual;
stems 1 or loosely clumped;
basal At or near the base of a plant or plant part. Especially said of leaves clustered near the ground or of a placenta confined to the base of an ovary.
leaves not tufted
..... D. danthonioides 1' Perennial herb; stems loosely to densely clumped; basal leaves tufted
2. Inflorescence < 1 cm wide; basal
leaf Organ arising from a stem, generally composed of a stalk (petiole) and a flat, expanded, green, photosynthetic area (blade); distinguished from a leaflet by the presence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; sometimes with lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (toothed, lobed, or dissected but not divided into leaflets) or compound (divided into leaflets).
blades ± 1 mm wide
..... D. elongata 3. Inflorescence compact, lower branches
ascending Curving or angling upward from base, or about 30-60 degrees less than vertical or away from axis of attachment.
erect Upright; vertically oriented.
..... subsp. holciformis 3' Inflorescence
open, lower branches
spreading Oriented more or less perpendicularly to the axis of attachment; often, more or less horizontal.
to drooping
4. Plants generally
glumes 4.4–7.5 mm;
awns 1. Bristle-like appendage or elongation, generally terminal. 2. Stiff, needle-like pappus element in Asteraceae.
exceeding lemmas In Poaceae, the lower, generally larger of two sheathing bracts subtending a flower, generally ensheathing the palea (in a sterile lemma, the associated flower and sometimes palea are rudimentary or absent); with the palea and flower, comprising the floret.
..... subsp. beringensis
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