Key to OpuntiaView taxon page for Opuntia
(For a list of species in Opuntia, use the above link.) Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. 1. Stem generally velvety to minutely papillate-hairy (puberulent), or if glabrous then perianth pink-magenta, stigma white, seeds ± spheric 2' Shrub generally < 1 m, all or most branches ± touching the ground 4' Spines 0, barbed  Having sharp, normally downward- or backward-pointing projections. Said of an awn, bristle, or other structure. bristles present 1' Stem glabrous; if perianth pink-magenta then stigma green and seeds ± flat-sided 6. Terminal stem segment generally easily detached when fresh, 2–5.5 cm, width ± = thickness; w CaRH (Siskiyou Co.) ..... O. fragilis 6' Terminal stem segments firmly attached when fresh, > 4 cm, width > 4 × thickness; mostly SW, D 7. Fruit dry in age, tan, generally spiny; perianth yellow to pink-magenta; style slender, white, base ± thicker ..... O. polyacantha 8. Spines generally pale, more numerous and hair-like, curling, reflexed  Abruptly bent or curved downward or backward. near plant base; ovary areoles 20–33; fruit generally a densely spiny bur ..... var. erinacea 8' Spines generally brown to black, spreading  Oriented more or less perpendicularly to the axis of attachment; often, more or less horizontal. to ascending  Curving or angling upward from base, or about 30-60 degrees less than vertical or away from axis of attachment. , straight, stiff on all stem segments; ovary areoles 11–21; fruit less spiny, not bur-like ..... var. hystricina 7' Fruit juicy, generally with some deep purple, spines 0; perianth yellow, orange, or red; style thick, white to red, base much thicker 9. Trunk 1, erect  Upright; vertically oriented. ; areoles generally > 38 per ovary 10' Plant reaching < 2.5 m; stem glochids 2–12 mm, conspicuous; ovary smooth when fresh 11' Longest spines generally 25–50 mm; style white when fresh; seed 3–6 mm; e PR, DMoj (desert mountains and lower montane slopes, canyons) 9' Basal branches several, ± decumbent  lying mostly flat on the ground but with tips curving up. to ascending; areoles <= 36 per ovary 13. Style and filaments white 14. Stem segment < 14 cm wide; perianth base generally pale to dark red-purple adaxially; fruit generally green inside 14' Stem segment > 15 cm wide; perianth base yellow adaxially; fruit red inside 13' Style pink or filaments yellow to orange-yellow (or both) 17' Stem segment < 15 cm wide 18. Stem segment oblong-elliptic to narrowly obovate; major spines generally round, 4–11 per areole ..... O. littoralis 18' Stem segment generally obovate; major spines generally flat, generally 0–4 per areole ..... O. vaseyi
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