Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Vascular Plants of California
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Key to Trifolium

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Key to Groups

1. Involucre bracts generally fused, generally > 1 mm, generally forming cup or bowl about base of inflorescence; inflorescence not  in   or above 1–2 leaves ..... Group 1

1' Involucre bracts 0 or occasionally < 1 mm or forming a vestigial ring; inflorescence occasionally ± sessile in leaf axil or above 1–2 ± reduced leaves (stipules of which occasionally involucre-like) ..... Group 2

Group 1:

1. Calyx or banner soon inflated in fruit bracts generally ± free

2. Calyx hairy, inflated in fruit; inflorescence in fruit ± 2 cm wide, spheric, fuzzy; banner not inflating in fruit;  herb, stoloned ..... T. fragiferum (2)

2' Calyx glabrous, not inflated in fruit; inflorescence not as above; banner inflating in fruit; annual, not stoloned

3. Corolla 10–20 mm

4. Calyx tube 1.5–2.5 mm, abaxial  tip undivided or 2–3-branched; seed coat net-like ..... T. fucatum

4' Calyx tube 2.5–4 mm, abaxial lobe tip 3–5-branched; seed coat smooth ..... T. piorkowskii

3' Corolla 4–9.5 mm

5. Involucre bracts < 1 mm, fused at base; inflorescence generally 1–1.5 cm wide; corolla 6.5–9.5 mm; ScV, nw SnJV, CW ..... T. hydrophilum

5' Involucre bracts 2–2.5 mm, ± free to ± 1/2 fused; inflorescence 0.5–1 cm wide; corolla 4.5–7.5 mm; NCoR, CaRF, SNF, Teh, GV, CW, SCo, ChI, PR ..... T. depauperatum

6. Fruit 3–4 mm, , stalk-like base 0 or short; involucre bracts ± free or ± 1/2 fused, margins widely scarious, toothed near tip; corolla 5–6 mm; GV, SnFrB, SCoR ..... var. amplectens

6' Fruit 2–3 mm,  or obovate, stalk-like base 0.5–1 mm; involucre bracts ± free, margins ± membranous; corolla 4.5–7.5 mm; NCoR, CaRF, SNF, Teh, GV, CW, SCo, ChI, PR ..... var. truncatum

1' Calyx, corolla not inflated in fruit (except lower part of banner in Trifolium barbigerum); involucre bracts generally fused into a cup-, bowl-, or wheel-shaped, toothed or cut ring (except generally ± free in Trifolium monanthum)

7. Involucre cup- or bowl-shaped, when pressed generally partly hiding flowers (except in Trifolium grayi)

8. Calyx  < 1/2 tube, not bristle-tipped ..... T. microdon

8' Calyx lobes > 1/2 tube, bristle-tipped

9. Calyx lobes, involucre lobes ± ; plant hairs generally finely wavy ..... T. microcephalum

9' Calyx lobes, involucre lobes, or both toothed, cut, or branched; plant hairs 0 or finely wavy or not

10. Bristle-tips of lower 3 calyx lobes generally ; involucre margin wavy, finely toothed ..... T. cyathiferum

10' Bristle-tips of lower 3 calyx lobes not divided; involucre margin wavy or not, generally coarsely toothed or cut 1/2 to involucre base

11. Calyx lobes finely toothed, bristle at tip 1–1.5 mm, glabrous; involucre generally glabrous; banner not inflated ..... T. buckwestiorum

11' Calyx lobes entire, bristle at tip 3–4 mm,  (or lower lobes divided to near base into 2–3 bristles, each 3–4 mm, generally plumose); involucre generally ; banner inflated below, persistent as twisted beak above

12. Corolla gold- to sulphur-yellow; leavesstems glabrous; seeds > 3 mm; ScV (North Table Mtn Plateau, Butte Co.) ..... T. jokerstii

12' Corolla purple, pink-purple, white, or 2-colored; leaves, stems generally hairy; seeds < 3 mm; NW, SN, GV, CW

13. Corolla 5–10 mm, <= (rarely ± >) calyx; stalk-like fruit base < 1 mm; inflorescence generally bristly from calyx lobes ..... T. barbigerum

13' Corolla 8–16 mm, > calyx; stalk-like fruit base 1–3 mm; inflorescence not bristly ..... T. grayi

7' Involucre wheel-shaped or bracts ± free, when pressed hiding only bases of flowers

14. Involucre vestigial or bracts 2–5, inconspicuous, generally ± free, 1–3 mm; inflorescence 1–6-flowered ..... T. monanthum

15. Rhizomes thin, white; plant mat-forming, not from central crown or thickened taproot; plant glabrous to ± hairy

16. Flowers 1–5,  bent upward at tip;  tips generally ; SnGb, SnBr, SnJt ..... subsp. grantianum

16' Flowers 1–4, peduncle straight; leaflet tips generally rounded or ; CaR, SN, SNE ..... subsp. monanthum

15' Rhizomes 0; plant not mat-forming, from central crown or thickened taproot; plant densely hairy

17. Leaflet tips generally rounded, truncate, or notched ..... subsp. parvum

17' Leaflet tips acute to  ..... subsp. tenerum

14' Involucre generally conspicuous, bracts indefinite in number, generally > 5 mm, fused, if inconspicuous (e.g., 2–3 mm in Trifolium oliganthum) fused at least at base; inflorescence generally 8–many-flowered

18. Perennial herb; involucre generally 2–3 cm wide; seeds 2–4

19. Thickened  root present; rhizomes 0; KR ..... T. siskiyouense

19' Thickened fusiform root 0; rhizomes present; NW, CaR, SN, SnJV, CW, SCo, PR, SNE ..... T. wormskioldii

18' Annual; involucre < 2 cm wide; seeds generally 1–2

20. Calyx lobes ± <= tube, often toothed or shouldered below  tip; calyx tube splitting between upper lobes

21. Flower 5–8 mm; involucre 2–3 mm, generally cut > 1/2 to base; inflorescence 6–10 mm wide, 5–15-flowered ..... T. oliganthum

21' Flower 9–18 mm; involucre > 3 mm, cut < 1/2 to base; inflorescence generally 12–30 mm wide, often > 15-flowered

22. Calyx glandular-hairy or bumpy (occasionally in age glabrous), lobes generally entire; leaflets sharply , longer teeth ± 1 mm ..... T. obtusiflorum

22' Calyx glabrous, not bumpy, lobes entire or 3-toothed; leaflets serrate, teeth < 1 mm ..... T. willdenovii

20' Calyx lobes generally > tube, generally entire (occasionally ± forked in Trifolium trichocalyx), not shouldered below tapered tip; calyx tube not splitting between upper lobes

23. Calyx hairy; involucre small, cut past middle – CCo (Monterey Peninsula) ..... T. trichocalyx

23' Calyx generally ± glabrous; involucre generally well developed, cut to middle

24. Calyx tubular, lobes ± 3-parted – CCo (Monterey Peninsula) ..... T. polyodon

24' Calyx bell-shaped, lobes entire or toothed

25. Inflorescence 1.5–3 cm, 10–many-flowered, corolla 9–17 mm ..... T. appendiculatum

25' Inflorescence 1–1.5 cm, 5–10-flowered, corolla 3.5–10 mm ..... T. variegatum

Group 2:

1. Leaflets 3–9 (at least some leaves with > 3 leaflets)

2. Leaflets generally 7–9; inflorescence 3–5 cm wide ..... T. macrocephalum

2' Leaflets 3–7; inflorescence 1–2.5 cm wide

3. Plant silvery or gray, soft-hairy or calyx  hairs ± 1 mm ..... T. andersonii

4. Longer  hairs 1.5–2 mm;  generally << , inflorescence not or ± exceeding leaves ..... subsp. andersonii

4' Longer petiole hairs 0.4–1.2 mm; peduncles generally > petioles; inflorescence much exceeding leaves ..... subsp. beatleyae

3' Plant green, , or hairy; calyx lobe hairs < 1 mm

5. Leaflet generally teeth 0.1–0.3 mm; inflorescence generally , 1–1.5 cm wide ..... T. gymnocarpon

5' Leaflet obovate, coarsely serrate, larger teeth 0.4–0.5 mm; inflorescence generally , 1.5–2.5 cm wide ..... T. lemmonii

1' Leaflets 3

6. Flowers of inflorescence, except for outer 2–8, sterile, with calyx stalk-like, without petals, forming bur, delivered to ground by growing ; plant  or creeping ..... T. subterraneum

6' Flowers of inflorescence fertile, with calyx not stalk-like, with petals, not forming bur, not delivered to ground by peduncle; plant prostrate or creeping or not

7. Calyx inflated in fruit; inflorescence in fruit spheric or star-shaped, red, brown, green, or white, ± woolly, 0.8–2.5 cm

8. Perennial herb, creeping and rooting or bracts of lower flowers forming , ± 2 mm, green; corolla not becoming  ..... T. fragiferum (2)

8' Annual to ± , not rooting; bracts of lower flowers generally not forming involucre, < 1 mm, white; corolla becoming reflexed

9. Inflorescence star-shaped, 1–2.5 cm; flower bracts reduced ..... T. resupinatum

9' Inflorescence spheric, 0.6–1.2 cm; flower bracts cup-shaped ..... T. tomentosum

7' Calyx rarely inflated in fruit (if inflated then << 2 cm wide); inflorescence in fruit not as at 7.

10. Leaf pinnately compound; corolla bright yellow

11. Corolla striate; inflorescence 0.8–1.3 cm wide, generally > 20-flowered; petioles of mid-leaves > leaflets ..... T. campestre

11' Corolla weak-striate; inflorescence 0.4–0.8 cm wide, 5–10(20)-flowered; petioles of mid-leaves generally << leaflets ..... T. dubium

10' Leaf palmately compound; corolla not bright yellow (except Trifolium aureum)

12. Leaflets 4–10 cm, stipules 1–2.5 cm, green; calyx glabrous; corolla green-white to pink ..... T. howellii

12' Leaflets or stipules (or both) << above, stipules generally not green; calyx hairy or glabrous; corolla green-white to pink or not

13. Flowers generally 1–5 per inflorescence, bracts generally inconspicuous; corolla white to lavender-striate; plant generally small (see Group 1, couplet 13 for subspecies) ..... T. monanthum (2)

13' Flowers generally > 5 per inflorescence unless plant stressed; corolla white to lavender-striate or not; plant small or not

14. Pedicels 1–6 mm, flowers generally becoming reflexed

15. Corolla bright yellow, 5–7 mm; calyx 1.5–2 mm; stalk-like fruit base 2–3 mm ..... T. aureum

15' Corolla not bright yellow, generally > 6 mm; calyx generally > 2 mm; stalk-like fruit base 0 or < 2 mm

16. Leaflet ; leaves mostly , occasionally 2–3 cauline; plants of s SNH, SNE ..... T. dedeckerae

16' Leaflet wider than lanceolate, if lanceolate then leaves not mostly basal or plants not of s SNH, SNE

17. Stem creeping, rooting, turf-forming; petioles from ground level, ± equal; corolla white ..... T. repens

17' Plant not creeping, not rooting, not turf-forming; petioles not or some from ground level, lower > upper; corolla white or not

18. Calyx tube puberulent or hairy, occasionally ± so

19. Corolla 5–8 mm;  2–5 mm ..... T. breweri

19' Corolla 10–18 mm; pedicel 1–2 mm ..... T. longipes (2)

20. Longer petals  to beak; 1400–2700 m – MP ..... subsp. multipedunculatum

20' Longer petals  to  but not beaked; 1200–2700 m

21. Stems generally well developed, not cespitose; petals generally white, short-tapered, acute, or ; 1200–1800 m; KR, NCoR ..... subsp. oreganum

21' Stems often poorly developed, generally cespitose; petals lavender to purple, longer ones acute to acuminate; 1400–2700 m; KR, CaR ..... subsp. shastense

18' Calyx tube glabrous

22. Calyx   with short, flat bristles (or, through breakage, bristle bases); bracts inconspicuous, often in a ring at base of inflorescence ..... T. ciliolatum

22' Calyx lobes not ciliate; bracts subtending individual flowers or 0

23. Leaves basal except 1 pair cauline; corolla 10–17 mm ..... T. beckwithii (2)

23' Leaves cauline; corolla 5–11 mm

24. Inflorescence 1.5–3 cm wide; bracts conspicuous but soon falling; calyx lobes sharply tapered but not bristle-tipped ..... T. hybridum

24' Inflorescence 0.5–1.5 cm wide; bracts 0; calyx lobes bristle-tipped

25. Calyx lobes ± 0.5 mm wide at base, glabrous, tube 1.5–2.5 mm

26. Leaflet obovate to obcordate, length 1.5–2.5 × width; CA-FP, DMoj ..... T. gracilentum

26' Leaflets narrowly elliptic or lanceolate, length 3.5–5 × width; ChI ..... T. palmeri

25' Calyx lobes ± 0.2 mm wide at base, with generally few hairs, tube 0.8–1.4 mm ..... T. bifidum

14' Pedicels < 2 mm, flowers becoming reflexed or not

27. Inflorescence  at end of stem or in  axils, or in leaf axils on short peduncles 6–10 mm, << leaves; corolla 2.5–6 mm

28. Inflorescence  or at end of stem, peduncles 0

29. Corolla pink, > calyx; seeds brown ..... T. glomeratum

29' Corolla white, < calyx; seeds yellow ..... T. suffocatum

28' Inflorescence axillary, peduncles short or short below, 0 above

30. Corolla > calyx lobes; banner tip notched; peduncles short ..... T. cernuum

30' Corolla < calyx lobes; banner tip occasionally ± toothed but not notched; peduncles short below, 0 above ..... T. retusum

27' Inflorescence peduncled (or immediately above 1–2 reduced leaves), peduncle generally > 10 mm, generally > leaves; corolla generally > 5 mm

31. Banner inflated in fruit; involucre vestigial, ring-like; corolla generally 6–9 mm ..... T. depauperatum var. depauperatum

31' Banner not inflated in fruit; involucre 0; corolla 6–9 mm or not

32. Flowers generally reflexed soon after opening; inflorescence often turned to side or downward

33. Calyx hairy, lobes twisted or bent,  ..... T. eriocephalum subsp. eriocephalum

33' Calyx glabrous, lobes not twisted or bent, not plumose

34. Inflorescence 1–2 cm wide; calyx 3.5–4.5 mm, generally dark or purple-black; corolla 10–12 mm ..... T. bolanderi

34' Inflorescence 1.5–3 cm wide; calyx 3–7 mm, not dark or purple-black; corolla 10–17 mm

35. Calyx 4.5–7 mm; inflorescence erect, axis not exserted ..... T. beckwithii (2)

35' Calyx 3–4 mm; inflorescence generally turned to side or downward, axis exserted, generally  ..... T. productum

32' Flowers generally not reflexed after opening; inflorescence generally ± erect

36. Inflorescence ± sessile above a pair of reduced leaves, stipules, or both (in Trifolium macraei, occasionally 1 of a pair of inflorescences short-peduncled)

37. Inflorescence generally paired, ± sessile or occasionally 1 short-peduncled above (1)2 leaves ..... T. macraei

37' Inflorescence single above subtending leaves

38. Corolla 2-colored (purple with white tips); locally uncommon, s NCoR, n CCo, SnFrB ..... T. amoenum (2)

38' Corolla not 2-colored (red-purple or pink); sporadic or locally common, CA-FP, GB

39. Calyx lobes densely to sparsely plumose, lower one ± 1–1.5 × others; corolla pink

40. Inflorescence spheric, ± 1.5–2 cm; calyx lobes >> tube, densely plumose, 4–6 mm ..... T. hirtum

40' Inflorescence ± short-cylindric, 0.5–1.5 cm; calyx lobes <= tube except lower one, sparsely plumose, 1–2.5 mm ..... T. striatum

39' Calyx lobes sparsely plumose, straight, lower one ± 2 × others, or calyx lobes glabrous, curved, ± equal; corolla red-purple or pink

41. Leaflets elliptic to obovate, ± ; calyx hairy, veins 10, lobes straight; corolla generally red-purple ..... T. pratense

41' Leaflets generally lanceolate to elliptic, teeth bristle-like; calyx glabrous, veins 24, lobes straight to curved; corolla pink to purple ..... T. vesiculosum

36' Inflorescence peduncled

42. Corolla <= calyx; calyx lobes > tube, plumose

43. Leaflets oblanceolate to obovate, length 1.2–3 × width; corolla 2-colored (purple with white tips)

44. Calyx 4–8 mm, lobes 3–6.5 mm ..... T. albopurpureum

44' Calyx 8–14 mm, lobes 6.5–12 mm ..... T. columbinum

43' Leaflets  to narrow-lanceolate, -oblong, or -oblanceolate, length 3–8 × width; corolla 1-colored (pale pink to white)

45. Corolla 10–12 mm, ± = calyx ..... T. angustifolium

45' Corolla 3–4 mm, < or << calyx ..... T. arvense

42' Corolla > calyx; calyx lobes > tube or not, plumose or not

46. Perennial herb; calyx lobes glabrous or hairs few, curved or wavy

47. Inflorescence < 1 cm wide, flowers generally 1–5, erect (see Group 1, couplet 13, for subspecies) ..... T. monanthum (2)

47' Inflorescence 1.5–3 cm wide, flowers > 5, ascending-spreading ..... T. longipes (2)

48. Calyx lobes 3–5 × tube;  length generally 6–10 × width; KR, NCoR, CaR ..... subsp. elmeri

48' Calyx lobes 1–3 × tube; leaflet length 2–6 × width in CA-FP, to 10 × in GB; KR, NCoR, CaR, SN, SnBr, SnJt, GB

49. Roots thickened, rhizomes ± 0; calyx lobes densely long-hairy ..... subsp. atrorubens

49' Roots generally not thickened, not fusiform; rhizomes present; calyx ± glabrous ..... subsp. hansenii

46' Annual; calyx lobes ± plumose, hairs generally straight

50. Corolla 2-colored (purple with white tips)

51. Corolla 12–16 mm; calyx 10–12 mm ..... T. amoenum (2)

51' Corolla 7–12 mm; calyx 4–8 mm ..... T. dichotomum

50' Corolla 1-colored (purple, crimson, pink, white, or cream)

52. Corolla cream; inflorescence  to spheric, 1–2.5 cm; leaflets elliptic to oblanceolate; stipules long-tapered ..... [T. alexandrinum]

52' Corolla crimson or white; inflorescence ±  or ± conic, 2–6 cm; leaflets obovate to obcordate; stipules widely rounded ..... T. incarnatum


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Citation for an individual treatment: [Author of taxon treatment] [year]. [Taxon name] in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, [URL for treatment]. Accessed on .

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