Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Vascular Plants of California
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Key to Aphyllon

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Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots.

1. Bractlets on  subtending calyx 0;  >> (2–8×) flower; stems subterranean or rising to about ground level; flowers generally < 20; nectary gland at base of ovary evident (sect. Aphyllon)

2. Flowers generally (3)6–20 per stem, occasionally more; distal pedicels < stem; proximal pedicels >= stem; hosts Artemisia, Eriodictyon, Eriogonum, Eriophyllum, Lamiaceae, Phacelia

3. Inflorescence a ± flat-topped , fully developed flowers at similar heights; plant pale-pink to deep reddish-pink; corolla  tips rounded; calyx lobe tips generally uniform in color and shading; host Artemisia spp. ..... A. fasciculatum

3' Inflorescence a raceme, not flat-topped, fully developed flowers at various heights; plant pale to lemon yellow, sometimes tinged orange or purple; corolla lobe tips pointed; calyx lobe tips sometimes darkened, especially when dry; host variable but not Artemisia ..... A. franciscanum

2' Flowers generally 1–4 per stem; distal pedicels > stem; proximal pedicels >> (generally 2–3×) stem; hosts not as above

4. Flowers 1–2 per stem; corollas white to purple; corolla lobe margins minutely ; lower lip folds sometimes yellow; calyx  attenuate-thread-like; hosts Sedum, Antennaria, Senecio, Saxifragaceae, Apiaceae ..... A. purpureum

4' Flowers (1)2–4 per stem; corollas straw-colored to yellow, sometimes tinged pink or purple; corolla lobe margins glandular-hairy; lower lip folds not of contrasting color; calyx lobes narrowly triangular; host Galium ..... A. epigalium

5. Corollas yellow, often reddish or purplish tinged outside, (17)20–30 mm; corolla lobes , length < 2× width; hosts not including Galium andrewsii; NW, CaR, n&c SN, ScV (Sutter Buttes), SnFrB ..... subsp. epigalium

5' Corollas straw-color with pink or lavender cast outside, 13–20(23) mm; corolla lobes  to slightly  at tip, length >= 2× width; host Galium andrewsii; SnBr, WTR, PR ..... subsp. notocalifornicum

1' Bractlets on pedicel subtending calyx 2; pedicels generally <= flower, occasionally 2× length; stems generally rising above ground level; flowers generally >20; nectary gland at base of ovary obscure (sect. Nothaphyllon)

6. Inflorescence and flowers ± yellow to dark purple (may be ± red in Orobanche pinorum); calyx generally 5–12 mm

7. Calyx divided nearly to base on lower side; hairs of inflorescence and corolla , not glandular; on Adenostoma ..... A. tuberosum

7' Calyx divided ± equally; most hairs of inflorescence and corolla glandular, not papillate; on various genera

8. Corolla with ring of hairs at base of filamentsroot attachment rounded, coral-like; on Holodiscus ..... A. pinorum

8' Corolla lacking ring of hairs; root attachment branched (rarely rounded, coral-like in Orobanche cooperi)

9. Inflorescence 4–5 cm wide; corolla 18–32 mm, lips 5–10 mm; on Asteraceae ..... A. cooperi

9' Inflorescence 2–3 cm wide; corolla 12–18 mm, lips 3–5 mm; on Garrya ..... A. validum

10. Corolla 14–18 mm, hairy outside, densely so at sinuses, hairs 0.4–0.7 mm; filament base and anther hairy ..... subsp. howellii

10' Corolla 12–14 mm,  outside, sparsely so to glabrous at sinuses, hairs ± 0.1 mm; filament base and anther glabrous ..... subsp. validum

6' Inflorescence and flowers generally buff to ± pink, corolla lips white to pink or lavender, occasionally with darker veins (some populations of Aphyllon californicum, Aphyllon parishii subsp. parishii darker-flowered); calyx generally 10–20 mm (sometimes smaller in Aphyllon robbinsii)

11. Corolla 13–30 mm, lips 4–10 mm

12. Inflorescence branched, , forming convex or ± flat-topped cluster; flowers crowded; corolla lobes erect

13. Corolla purple to pink, with darker veins, tube with prominent hump on upper side; anthers densely hairy throughout; on Artemisia tridentata; n CaR, SNH, GB, n DMtns ..... A. corymbosum

13' Corolla pale with purple veins, tube without prominent hump on upper side; anthers glabrous, sometimes with long hairs along dehisced margin; on Eriophyllum staechadifolium; CCo..... A. robbinsii

12' Inflorescence of elongate, generally unbranched, ± raceme-like units; flowers ± separated, more regularly-spaced; corolla lobes various

14. Flowers pedicelled throughout; bracts ; mature flower corolla lobes strongly recurved, narrowly  ..... A. vallicola

14' Only proximal flowers pedicelled; bracts ± ; mature flower upper corolla lobes slightly recurved at tip, rounded or  ..... A. parishii

15. Corolla 15–24 mm, lips 4–6 mm; calyx lobes generally 7–10 mm; sandy soil near ocean ..... subsp. brachylobum

15' Corolla 20–25 mm, lips 6–8 mm; calyx lobes 10–16 mm; dry openings in forest, chaparralscrub ..... subsp. parishii

11' Corolla 20–50 mm, lips 10–14 mm (see also Aphyllon corymbosum for plants of SNH, GB) ..... A. californicum

16. Corolla lavender to purple; calyx lobes, pedicels, and bracts similarly colored, drying dark purple; NCo, n&c CCo ..... subsp. californicum

16' Corolla white or ± yellow to ± pink or ± red-tinged; calyx lobes, pedicels, and bracts pale to pink-tinged, drying brown; generally CA-FP (inland except Aphyllon californicum subsp. grande), MP, s SNE, DMoj

17. Corolla tube ± stout, > 4 mm wide at constriction, abruptly expanded to form hump-back throat

18. Stem delicate; ± 500 m; s CCo, SCoRI, SCoRO, w WTR ..... subsp. condensum

18' Stem stout; 700–2500 m; s SNH, Teh, TR, PR, s SNE, DMoj ..... subsp. feudgei

17' Corolla tube slender below, < 4 mm wide at constriction, gradually expanded

19. Corolla 35–50 mm, lower lobes narrowly ovate, > 5 mm wide; generally on Corethrogyne filaginifolia; coastal dunes, marine terraces; s CCo, s SCoRO (Santa Barbara Co.), c SCo (Los Angeles Co.), n ChI (Santa Rosa Island) ..... subsp. grande

19' Corolla 20–40 mm, lower lobes narrowly triangular to , < 5 mm wide

20. Plant 4–10 cm; stem proximal to inflorescence 1–5 cm; inflorescence a convex to ± flat-topped cluster < 5 cm; on Asteraceae; moist or vernally wet meadows, stream margins ..... subsp. grayanum

20' Plant 10–35 cm; stem proximal to inflorescence generally > 6 cm; inflorescence elongate, 5–20 cm; generally dry places; on various  herb and shrub Asteraceae ..... subsp. jepsonii


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