Key to LomatiumView taxon page for Lomatium
(For a list of species in Lomatium, use the above link.) Jepson Manual glossary definitions can be seen by moving your cursor over words underlined with dots. 1. Marginal fruit wings very corky, incurved; fruit axis a corky ridge along middle of each fruit ..... L. fusiformis 1' Marginal fruit wings thin or corky, not incurved; fruit axis divided to base 2. At base and tip fruit evidently notched and wings narrower; leaflets or segments generally large 3. Leaflets coarsely dentate  Having margins with sharp, relatively coarse teeth pointing outward, not tipward. or some 3-lobed but not pinnately so 4. Leaf 1–2-ternate; fruit wings thickened, >> body in width; s California ..... L. lucidum 4' Leaf ternate-pinnate or 1–2-pinnate; fruit wings thin, ± >= body in width; n CA 3' Leaflets pinnately lobed, generally also toothed or irregularly cut 6. Leaf blade  Expanded portion of a leaf, petal, or other structure, generally flat but sometimes rolled, cylindric, wavy, or cupped. > petiole  Leaf stalk, connecting leaf blade to stem; sometimes more or less indistinct. ; fruit 15–18 mm – s ChI ..... L. insulare 6' Leaf blade < to ± = petiole; fruit 6–14 mm 7' Leaflet spines strong; fruit wings < body in width; SNH, SNE 8. Mature rays 25–50 mm; fertile pedicels  Stalk of an individual flower in an inflorescence, or the corresponding structure in fruit. 5–10 mm ..... L. rigidum 2' At base and tip fruit not evidently notched and wings not narrower; leaflets or segments small to large 9. Plant from a definite, spheric to elongate or irregularly thickened, generally ± shallow tuber 10. Plant puberulent  Minutely hairy. to hairy 10' Plant glabrous to ± scabrous but not hairy 12. Plant short-stemmed, from an elongate, generally tapered  Gradually (not abruptly) narrower or smaller at base or tip. tuber; rays ± erect  Upright; vertically oriented. ; fruit linear-oblong ..... L. bicolor var. leptocarpum (3) 12' Plant stem 0, from a ± spheric to ovoid tuber; rays ± spreading  Oriented more or less perpendicularly to the axis of attachment; often, more or less horizontal. ; fruit oblong  Longer than wide, with nearly parallel sides; wider than linear. to ovate  Egg-shaped (i.e., widest below the middle) in two dimensions (i.e., in one plane), as a leaf. 13' Pedicel 0–6 mm; bractlet 0 or < flower; tuber <= 2.5 cm wide 14' Leaves 2–3-ternate; rays 10–60 mm; KR, CaRH, SNH, MP 15. Corolla yellow; ultimate leaf  Organ arising from a stem, generally composed of a stalk (petiole) and a flat, expanded, green, photosynthetic area (blade); distinguished from a leaflet by the presence in its axil of a bud, branch, thorn, or flower; sometimes with lateral, basal appendages (stipules); either simple (toothed, lobed, or dissected but not divided into leaflets) or compound (divided into leaflets). segments acute  Having a short-tapered, sharp tip, the sides convex or straight and converging at less than a right angle. or minutely mucronate ..... L. roseanum 15' Corolla white; ultimate leaf segments obtuse  Having a short-tapered, blunt tip or base, the sides convex or straight and converging at more than a right angle. 9' Plant from a generally elongated, deep taproot (rarely with a deep-seated tuber at tip) 17. Leaf dissected or compound, segments or leaflets generally few, generally large, generally wide 18' Peduncle distally not swollen, not inflated – rays occasionally webbed at base into prominent disk 19. Stem 0 or short; leaves 0–few. 1–3-pinnate 20. Plant base not fibrous  1. Pertaining to structures that are composed at least in part of more or less thread-like but usually tough elements (e.g., Yucca leaves). 2. Pertaining to a root system composed of many roots similar in length and thickness (e.g., grass roots). ; calyx 0 ..... L. martindalei (2) 19' Stem prominently leafy; leaf 1–2-ternate-pinnate 21' Herbage green to ± gray, not conspicuously glaucous; leaflets linear  Elongate, with nearly parallel sides; narrower than elliptic or oblong. to lance-ovate, 0.5–10 mm wide ..... L. triternatum 17' Leaf dissected, segments generally many, small, occasionally long but then narrow (see also Lomatium parryi) 23. Ovary puberulent to scabrous or hairy, fruit hairy (glabrous in age) 24. Plants generally with definite stem – stem leaves >= 1 25' Petals ± glabrous, not tomentose 27' Involucel not 1-sided, not reflexing, generally ± scarious 28' Corolla yellow; cauline leaf sheaths swollen 29. Herbage densely puberulent to glabrous; ovaries puberulent; bractlets generally obovate to oblanceolate, generally overlapping ..... L. utriculatum (2) 29' Herbage, ovaries generally scabrous; bractlets generally lanceolate  Narrowly elongate, widest in the basal half, often tapered to an acute tip. to oblanceolate, not overlapping ..... L. vaginatum (2) 30. Corolla white to cream, occasionally purple-tinged; anthers generally purple 33. Ultimate leaf segments elliptic  In the shape of a flattened circle or ellipse; wider than linear to obovate; bractlets minutely hairy; leaf bases rarely persistent ..... var. paiutense 33' Ultimate leaf segments linear to linear-oblong; bractlets glabrous or nearly so; leaf bases generally persistent ..... var. ravenii 30' Corolla yellow or purple; anthers generally yellow 34. Petiole > leaf blade; corolla generally purple (yellow); fruit wings >= body in width ..... L. mohavense 35' Petal margin glabrous 23' Ovary, fruit glabrous, occasionally scabrous 37. Plant generally with a definite stem, stem leaves generally >= 2 38. Stem base with 1 or more scarious, bladeless sheaths; fruit oblong-ovate to elliptic, wings thick, << body in width 39. Fruit ± sessile  Without a petiole, peduncle, pedicel, or other kind of stalk. ; fertile pedicels generally 1–3 mm, < sterile ..... L. dissectum 38' Stem base without conspicuous bladeless sheaths; fruit wings thin, < to > body in width 40. Corolla white, cream or ± purple 41' Plant densely puberulent to tomentose; bractlets generally conspicuous, occasionally fused into a sheath  A surrounding or partially surrounding, often tubular structure or part of a structure, such as a leaf base in Apiaceae or Poaceae. 42' Involucel generally radial  Divisible into mirror-image halves in three or more ways. , spreading, scarious ..... L. nevadense (5) 40' Corolla yellow, occasionally white in age 43. Leaves generally not crowded at stem base; fruit wings >= body in width 44. Herbage puberulent to glabrous; ovaries generally puberulent – fruit generally glabrous ..... L. utriculatum (2) 43' Leaves crowded at stem base; fruit wings < body in width 45' Fruit oblong to ovate; leaf segments linear to oblong, 2–7 mm, crowded 46. Leaf ± gray, dull, petiole ± sheathing throughout; bractlets fused at base into 1-sided scarious cup; CaRH, n SNH, GB ..... L. austiniae 46' Leaf green, shiny, petiole sheathing to ± middle; bractlets free, inconspicuous; KR ..... L. hallii 37' Plant stem ± 0, cauline leaves 0, occasionally 1 or more at base of short stem 47. Fruit linear-oblong to oblong; CaRH, SNH, MP 48' Plant base not fibrous; bractlets several, linear; fruit wings narrow to broad, < or > 1/2 body; CaRH, MP 47' Fruit elliptic, broadly oblong, or ovate to ± round; NW, CaR, n&c SNF, n SNH, ScV, SnFrB, GB 50. Leaf segments thread-like to linear, long, not crowded; herbage green, generally shiny 51. Bractlets generally > 5, lanceolate to obovate, scarious, occasionally 0; pedicels stout – generally < fruit ..... L. caruifolium 50' Leaf segments lanceolate or oblong to ovate (linear to thread-like), short, generally crowded; herbage generally glaucous or ± gray 54. Herbage clearly puberulent to tomentose 55. Leaf 2–3-pinnately dissected or compound; petiole sheathing in proximal 1/2; corolla white; GB ..... L. nevadense (5) 55' Leaf ternate-pinnately dissected; petiole sheathing throughout; corolla yellow or purple; coast ranges 56' Corolla generally yellow; bractlets narrowly scarious-margined 57. Ultimate leaf sections overlapping, broad, obtuse; fruit ± elliptic, wings thick; serpentine substrates, NCoRH, NCoRI ..... L. ciliolatum 57' Ultimate leaf sections less crowded, narrow, generally acute; fruit ovoid, wings thin; volcanic substrate, SnFrB ..... L. observatorium 54' Herbage glabrous to minutely scabrous or sparsely puberulent 58. Pedicels < fruit; bractlets present 59. Leaf blade obovate, basal  At or near the base of a plant or plant part. Especially said of leaves clustered near the ground or of a placenta confined to the base of an ovary. sheaths straw-colored; volcanic soils ..... L. peckianum 59' Leaf blade oblong to ovate, basal sheaths ± purple; serpentine substrates ..... L. tracyi 58' Pedicels generally > fruit; bractlets ± 0 (vestigial) 60' Corolla yellow; plant base fibrous or not; c NCoRO (Little Red Mtn, Red Mtn), c SNF
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