Habit: Hairs sparse to dense, stinging 0.
Stem: branches from base, decumbent to erect, generally herbaceous.
Leaf: alternate, blade 1--9 cm, lanceolate to round, entire; stipules 0; crystals round.
Inflorescence: head-, spike-, or panicle-like, generally few-flowered; flowers subtended by involucre of 1--3 lance-linear bracts.
Flower: sepals 4, fused below.
Staminate Flower: stamens 4.
Fruit: ovoid, shiny.
Species In Genus: 20--30 species: worldwide temperate, subtropics.
Etymology: (Latin: wall, from habitat of some)
Unabridged Note: Parietaria floridana Nutt. collected as nursery weed in SCo.Jepson eFlora Author: Robert E. Preston & Dennis W. Woodland
Unabridged Reference: Hinton 1969 Sida 3:293--297Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Parietaria
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