Habit: Annual, erect, slender, stinging hairs present; monoecious.
Leaf: opposite, toothed.
Inflorescence: generally head-like, of both staminate, pistillate flowers.
Staminate Flower: sepals 4, +- free; stamens 4.
Pistillate Flower: sepals 2--4, +- equal, fused +- to tip.
Fruit: lenticular, enclosed by ovate, sac-like, membranous calyx.
Species In Genus: 2 species: California, Baja California, Hawaii.
Etymology: (Greek: western nettle)
Jepson eFlora Author: Robert E. Preston & Dennis W. Woodland
Unabridged Reference: Woodland et al. 1976 Canad J Bot 54:374--383Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)
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