Habit: Annual, perennial herb, often +- glandular, especially above.
Stem: generally 1--4 mm wide in lower 1/2.
Leaf: palmately lobed to divided, +- hairy; segments generally palmately lobed and/or toothed; upper alternate or opposite; blade generally round in outline, base generally cordate.
Inflorescence: (1)2-flowered.
Flower: radial (+- bilateral); sepals +- awned to mucronate; stamens 10, outer 5 opposite petals (lacking anthers in
G. pusillum), inner 5 alternate petals, nectary glands 5, alternate petals.
Fruit: mericarp generally ovoid, dehiscent, 1-seeded; basal callus generally present, often with long bristles.
Species In Genus: 307 species: temperate, tropical mountains.
Etymology: (Greek: crane, from fruit beak)
Note: Geranium yeoi Aedo & Muñoz Garm., native to Atlantic island of Madeira, with petals (14.9)16.2--19.3(20.7) mm and stamen filaments (8.7)9.6--11.3(12.8) mm -- longer than in similar
G. robertianum -- documented in NCo of Del Norte Co. (Zika 2009 Madroño 56:130).
Jepson eFlora Author: Carlos Aedo
Reference: [Aedo 2001 Anales Jard Bot Madrid 59:3--65; Aedo et al. 1998 Ann Missouri Bot Gard 85:594--630]
Unabridged Reference: [Aedo 2000--2001 Anales Jard Bot Madrid 58:39--82, 59:3--65; Aedo et al. 1998 Ann Missouri Bot Gard 85:594--630]Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Geranium
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