Habit: Tree, unarmed; monoecious or dioecious.
Stem: buds scaly; stipule scars obscure, not encircling stem.
Leaf: alternate, occasionally clustered with inflorescences, unlobed or 3--5-lobed, toothed, 3--5-veined from base, deciduous.
Inflorescence: catkins, +- pendent, peduncled.
Pistillate Flower: style deeply 2-parted.
Fruit: of many achenes within fleshy calyces, resembling blackberries.
Species In Genus: +- 20 species: temperate, warm temp northern hemisphere.
Etymology: (Latin: mulberry)
Note: Wind-pollinated;
Morus nigra, black mulberry, waif in urban areas.
Jepson eFlora Author: Alan T. Whittemore & Elizabeth McClintock
Reference: Whittemore 2006 Sida 22:769--775
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