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Vascular Plants of California
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Higher Taxonomy
Family: HydrophyllaceaeView DescriptionDichotomous Key

Habit: Annual, perennial herb, generally hairy, generally taprooted. Stem: prostrate to erect. Leaf: simple to pinnately compound, basal or cauline, alternate or opposite; stipules 0. Inflorescence: cyme, generally raceme-like and coiled, or flowers 1. Flower: bisexual, generally radial; calyx lobes generally 5, generally fused at base, generally persistent, enlarging in fruit; corolla rotate to cylindric, generally deciduous, lobes generally 5, appendages in pairs on tube between filaments or 0; stamens generally 5, epipetalous, filament base sometimes appendaged, appendages scale-like; ovary generally superior, chambers 1 or 2, placentas 2, parietal, enlarged into chamber, sometimes meeting so ovary appears 2--5-chambered, style 1, style branches 2, stigmas generally head-like. Fruit: capsule, generally loculicidal; valves generally 2.
Genera In Family: 12 genera, 240--260 species: especially western US; some cultivated (Emmenanthe, Nemophila, Phacelia). Note: Included in Boraginaceae in TJM2 and some other treatments (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group IV 2016 Bot J Linn Soc 181:1--20) but treated as separate family (excluding Namaceae) by Boraginales Working Group (Luebert et al. 2016).
eFlora Treatment Author: Genevieve K. Walden, Robert W. Patterson & Richard R. Halse, except as specified
Scientific Editor: Bruce G. Baldwin
Habit: Annual, glandular, sticky, odorous. Stem: erect, much-branched. Leaf: 1--3-pinnate-lobed; proximal cauline opposite, petioled, distal alternate, smaller, sessile, clasping; petioles generally narrow-winged, ciliate. Inflorescence: terminal, sometimes also axillary, cymes simple or +- paniculate, few- to many-flowered, sometimes flowers 1 in leaf axils; pedicels 0 or short, elongate in fruit, +- ascending to erect in flower, erect to nodding in fruit, short- to long-hairy, minute- to short-glandular. Flower: calyx lobes equal in size, alike in shape, oblong to obovate or ovate; corolla bell-shaped, white, yellow, pink, or purple, dark-marked or veined; corolla scales reduced or 0; nectary glands reduced as V-shaped transverse fold between each pair of filaments below throat or 0; stamens included, equal, equally attached, filaments not widened at base, not appendaged, not winged; ovary chamber appearing 4 or 5, ovules on both sides of placenta, style 1, included, shallowly 2-lobed. Fruit: ovoid to spheric, terete or +- compressed, short- to long-hairy, minute- to short-glandular, generally exceeded by calyx. Seed: outer readily shed and inner persistent in capsule, 5--15(24), brown or black, all alike in shape or not, ellipsoid or ovoid to oblong or curved-oblong, +- compressed to cylindric, surface minutely or coarsely net-like pitted or corrugated; attached fleshy structure 0.
Species In Genus: 2 species: southwestern United States, northern Mexico. Etymology: Greek: well hidden, from seeds
Jepson eFlora Author: Genevieve K. Walden, Robert W. Patterson & Richard R. Halse
Unabridged Reference: Constance 1938 Lloydia 1:143--152; Ferguson 1999 Syst Bot 23:253--268; Walden 2015 Systematics of Emmenanthe, Eucrypta, and Phacelia sect. Ramosissimae (Hydrophyllaceae; Boraginales) Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ CA Berkeley
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)
Key to Eucrypta

Previous taxon: Emmenanthe rosea
Next taxon: Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia

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Citation for this treatment: Genevieve K. Walden, Robert W. Patterson & Richard R. Halse 2021, Eucrypta, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9,, accessed on October 04, 2024.

Citation for the whole project: Jepson Flora Project (eds.) 2024, Jepson eFlora,, accessed on October 04, 2024.