Habit: Annual to perennial herb [shrub].
Stem: often 4-angled; hairs generally short, stiff.
Leaf: reduced distally on stem; blade entire to pinnately lobed.
Inflorescence: spike, often in panicle-like clusters, generally terminal, generally elongated in fruit.
Flower: calyx 5-ribbed, 5-toothed, hairs generally strigose or appressed; corolla 4--5-lobed, generally +- radial, sometimes bilateral and 2-lipped; stamens 4; ovary 4-chambered, ovules 4, style 1, lobes 2, 1 tooth-like, 1 with +- spheric stigma.
Fruit: nutlets 4, generally oblong.
Species In Genus: +- 250 species: temperate, tropical America, Mediterranean Europe.
Etymology: (Latin: ancient name)
Note: Verbena gooddingii,
Verbena pulchella often placed in
Glandularia (sister to
Verbena in strictest sense).
Jepson eFlora Author: Dieter H. Wilken
Reference: Munir 2002 J Adelaide Bot Gard 18:21--103; Yeo 1990 Kew Bull 45:101--120; Yuan & Olmstead 2008 Molec Phylogen Evol 48:23--33
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Verbena
Previous taxon: Phyla nodifloraNext taxon: Verbena bonariensis