Common Name: PINE FAMILY Habit: Shrub, tree, evergreen; monoecious. Stem: young crown conic; twig not grooved, resinous, generally persistent. Leaf: simple, generally alternate, sometimes in bundles or appearing +- 2-ranked, linear or awl-like; base decurrent, woody or not, persistent several years. Pollen Cone: generally < 6 cm, not woody, deciduous. Seed Cone: generally woody; bracts, scales generally persistent; scale not peltate, fused to or free from subtending bract. Seed: 2, on scale base adaxially. Genera In Family: 10 genera, 193 species: generally northern hemisphere; many of great commercial value, supplying > 1/2 of world's timber. eFlora Treatment Author: J. Robert Haller, Nancy J. Vivrette, & James R. Griffin, except as noted Scientific Editor: Thomas J. Rosatti, Bruce G. Baldwin.
Common Name: FIR Stem: young bark smooth, with resin blisters, mature bark generally thick, deeply furrowed; young branches appearing whorled; twig without persistent, peg-like leaf bases, glabrous or hairy; leaf scars smooth, +- round to elliptic; bud generally +- spheric, generally < 1 cm, +- resinous. Leaf: 2--9 cm, sessile, twisted at base to be 2-ranked, often upcurved on upper twigs, generally +- flat; adaxially with 2 +- faint, longitudinal, +- white bands or not, midrib depressed or not; abaxially with 2 +- white bands or not, midrib ridge-like or not Seed Cone: erect, < 23 cm, maturing 1st year; stalk generally 0; bracts, scales deciduous; bract included or exserted, +- free from scale; axis persistent on stem, ultimately falling. Seed: with obvious resin deposits on surface; wing < 2.5 cm. Chromosomes: 2n=24. Etymology: (Latin: silver fir) eFlora Treatment Author: J. Robert Haller, Nancy J. Vivrette, & James R. Griffin Reference: Xiang et al. 2009 Taxon 58:141--152; Lanner 2010 Madroño 57:141--144 Unabridged Reference: Vasek 1985 Madroño 32:65--77
Common Name: CALIFORNIA RED FIR Stem: trunk < 57 m, < 2.5 m wide; mature crown +- cylindric, top rounded; bark gray, with resin blisters in youth, deeply furrowed, with dark +- red ridges in age; twig hairy 1st year; bud +- resinous. Leaf: < 3.5 cm, +- 3--4-angled; adaxially with +- white bands; tip notched or blunt. Seed Cone: oblong or cylindrical, 9--23 cm; bract included or +- exserted.
Abies magnifica A. Murray bis var. critchfieldii Lanner
Citation for this treatment: J. Robert Haller, Nancy J. Vivrette, & James R. Griffin 2023, Abies magnifica var. critchfieldii, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 12,, accessed on February 08, 2025.
Citation for the whole project: Jepson Flora Project (eds.) 2025, Jepson eFlora,, accessed on February 08, 2025.
No expert verified images found for Abies magnifica var. critchfieldii.
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Blue line denotes eFlora flowering time (fruiting time in some monocot genera).