Common Name: PLANE-TREE or SYCAMORE FAMILY Habit: Tree, generally monoecious, wind-pollinated; hairs many-branched. Stem: bark peeling in scaly plates, leaving +- smooth areas of various colors, in age dark, thick, fissured; twig hairs dense. Leaf: simple, alternate, deciduous; lobes, veins generally 3,5(7), palmate; stipules generally leaf-like, free or fused around stem, shed by leaf maturity or not; petiole at base dilated, hollow, +- covering bud; blade hairs dense, +- 0 in age. Inflorescence: heads 1--7, +- evenly spaced on axis, spheric, many-flowered, sessile or on pendent peduncles, generally unisexual; staminate breaking apart in age; pistillate persistent; bracts subtending heads, flowers. Flower: unisexual; calyx cup-shaped, sepals (0)3--6(8), free or united basally. Staminate Flower: petals 3--6, minute or vestigial, fleshy or scale-like; stamens 3--6(8), alternate petals, anthers subsessile, axis above anther expanded, disk-like, +- peltate; carpels vestigial or 0. Pistillate Flower: petals 3--6, minute, or generally 0; staminodes often 3--4; carpels (3)5--9, free, ovary of each superior, 1-chambered, generally 1-ovuled, with 1 +- linear style. Fruit: achenes in spheric head, small, each with hairs from base, shorter hairs up the side; style persistent, beak-like, or deciduous. Genera In Family: 1 genus, +- 8 species: northern temperate; some cultivated for ornament, shade; wood generally of limited commercial value, although long ago used for buttons, the trees then called buttonwood. Unabridged Note: Leaves and twigs with many-branched hairs, each comprising a single multicellular central axis with unicellular lateral, generally whorled rays. eFlora Treatment Author: Robert Lee Allen Scientific Editor: Thomas J. Rosatti.
Etymology: (Greek: probably broad, for leaves) Note: Fruit length excludes style.
Platanus ×hispanica Mill. ex Münchh.
WAIF Stem: 12--24(36) m, erect; base generally <<= 0.5 m wide; outer bark light gray, inner green-cream. Leaf: stipules (0)1--2 cm, generally deciduous by maturity; petiole 2--10 cm; blade +- 11--18 cm, +- round or elliptic, +- glabrous. Staminate Flower: calyx reduced, cup-like; petals free. Pistillate Flower: calyx reduced, cup-like. Fruit: head 2.5--3.5 cm, generally sessile; achene 7.5--11 mm, top truncate, basal hairs 1/2--2/3 fruit length, persistent on fruit, head; style deciduous. Ecology: In cultivation, may persist from old homesteads, escapes to waterways; Elevation: 16--155 m. Bioregional Distribution: CaRF, n SNF, ScV; Distribution Outside California: possibly escapes cultivation in northern and eastern United States. Flowering Time: Mar--May Note: Stable hybrid between Platanus occidentalis L. and Platanus orientalis L., or possibly a non-hybrid cultivar of the latter. Synonyms: Platanus ×acerifolia (Aiton) Willd.; Platanus hispanica Ten.; Platanus ×hybrida Brot. Unabridged Note: Evidently originated in 17th century, generally considered to be stable hybrid between Platanus occidentalis L. and Platanus orientalis L., thought by some to be non-hybrid cultivar of Platanus orientalis; for the former, Platanus ×hispanica Münchh. (1770) has priority over Platanus ×acerifolia (Aiton) Willd. (1805). Susceptible to sycamore scale insects, +- to sycamore anthracnose fungus. Backcrosses to parent species (or crosses with those species) common, variable, resistant to fungi. Hybrids with Platanus racemosa known from CaRF, ScV, PR (Orange Co.), suspected elsewhere, with leaves variously toothed, often hairy, heads generally 2--3; other authorities treat Platanus ×hybrida Brot. as the correct name, with Platanus ×acerifolia and Platanus ×hispanica as synonyms. Jepson eFlora Author: Robert Lee Allen Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange) Previous taxon: Platanus Next taxon: Platanus racemosa
Citation for this treatment: Robert Lee Allen 2012, Platanus ×hispanica, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora,, accessed on January 23, 2025.
Citation for the whole project: Jepson Flora Project (eds.) 2025, Jepson eFlora,, accessed on January 23, 2025.
No expert verified images found for Platanus ×hispanica.
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