Habit: Perennial herb (non-flowering rosettes preceding flower-stems, plants dying after flowering in
Frasera albomarginata,
Frasera parryi,
Frasera puberulenta,
Frasera speciosa, and
Frasera umpquaensis; non-flowering rosettes appearing with flower-stems in others).
Leaf: basal +- petioled; cauline opposite or whorled, < basal, base often fused-sheathing.
Inflorescence: cyme or panicle of dense clusters.
Flower: parts in 4s; calyx fused near base, lobes lanceolate; corolla rotate (bell-shaped), lobes >> tube, ridge between stamens fringed or scaled or 0, nectary pits prominent, 1(2) per lobe, margins of openings variously fringed; ovary sessile, style long and well differentiated or short and poorly differentiated, persistent, entire, stigmas 2.
Species In Genus: +- 15 species: temperate North America.
Etymology: (J. Fraser, Scottish collector of North America pls, 1750--1811)
Jepson eFlora Author: Bruce G. Baldwin
Reference: von Hagen & Kadereit 2002 Syst Bot 27:548--572
Unabridged Reference: St. John 1941 Amer Midl Naturalist 21:1--29Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Frasera
Previous taxon: Eustoma exaltatum subsp. exaltatumNext taxon: Frasera albicaulis