Habit: Shrub to small tree, prostrate to erect.
Stem: old stems generally +- red, smooth, bark generally thin, peeling, or generally +- gray or red-gray, shredding and rough; burls at base, woody, sprouting after fire, or generally 0; twig hairs 0 or generally +- like those on inflorescence axes, bracts.
Leaf: alternate, evergreen; blade flat to convex, base lobed to wedge-shaped, clasping stem or not, margins generally flat, surfaces with stomata generally both abaxially, adaxially, alike in color, hairiness, less often only or fewer abaxially, generally differing in color, hairiness.
Inflorescence: +- raceme (generally 0--1-branched) or panicle (generally 2--10-branched), terminal, nascent inflorescence present following stem growth, generally late spring through winter, remaining dormant 4--6 months prior to flower (except in
Arctostaphylos pringlei subsp.
drupacea); branches 0 or raceme-like; flower bracts leaf-like, generally flat, or scale-like, often folded, keeled, tips rounded to acute to awl-shaped.
Flower: radial; sepals 5(4), free, persistent; corolla conic to urn-shaped, lobes in number = sepals, short, rounded, curved back, white to pink; stamens 2 × number of sepals, included, filaments swollen, generally hairy at base, anthers dark red, awns elongate; ovary superior, on disk, 2--10-chambered, ovule 1 per chamber.
Fruit: drupe, generally +- depressed-spheric to spheric; flesh generally thick, +- mealy, occasionally 0; stones 2--10, free, fused, or some fused.
Species In Genus: +- 62 species: North America (especially California) to Central America, Eurasia.
Etymology: (Greek: bear berries)
Note: Rosatti (1986 Syst Bot 12:61--77) showed that in
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi little to none of the variation in hairs (including length, glandularity) is genetically based; Crowe & Parker (2023 Ecol Evol 13(3): e9801) detail variation in stone fusion.
Jepson eFlora Author: V. Thomas Parker, Michael C. Vasey & Jon E. Keeley
Reference: Keeley 1997 Madroño 44:109--111; Parker et al. 2007 Madroño 54:148--155
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Arctostaphylos
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