Common Name: ARROW-GRASS FAMILY Habit: Annual, perennial herb, rhizomed or dense-tufted, terrestrial or aquatic. Leaf: generally +- basal, alternate, +- flat to narrow-cylindric; sheath open, generally liguled. Inflorescence: spike or generally +- scapose raceme; bracts 0. Flower: generally bisexual; perianth parts generally 6 in 2 whorls (0, 1) [3, 4], free, scale-like, +- green or tinged +- red-purple; stamens 0, 1, 3, or 6, filaments short, +- fused to perianth; pistil 1, carpels 1, 6 [3, 4], +- fused, separating in fruit [or not], each with 1 chamber and 1 ovule or 3 carpels fertile, 3 sterile, placentas basal, stigmas generally +- sessile. Fruit: achene or generally mericarps. Genera In Family: 3 genera, 30 species: temperate, circumboreal, Australia, southern Africa, South America. Note:Lilaea included in Triglochin. eFlora Treatment Author: David J. Keil Scientific Editor: Thomas J. Rosatti.
Common Name: ARROW-GRASS Habit: Plant +- glabrous. Leaf: basal, +- tufted; sheath membranous; ligule tip entire to 2-lobed [0]. Flower: perianth parts generally adaxially concave; anthers +- sessile; stigma papillate or +- plumose. Fruit: achene or generally 3, 6 mericarps. Seed: 1, linear, +- flat or angled. Etymology: (Greek: 3 points, from fruits of some) Toxicity: TOXIC when fresh, from cyanogenic compounds.
Triglochin scilloides (Poir.) Mering & Kadereit
NATIVE Habit: Annual, tufted, in youth submersed, in age +- emergent; roots fibrous. Leaf: 5--20(45) cm, 1--5 mm wide, +- elliptic to +- round in ×-section; ligule +- 1 mm, tip +- obtuse or +- notched. Inflorescence: +- scapose, generally emergent, +- dense spike of bisexual and sometimes staminate flowers, (2)6--20 cm, + 2 submersed, sessile pistillate flowers enclosed in leaf sheath at base of scape. Staminate Flower: perianth part 1, 2--3 mm; stamen 1. Pistillate Flower: perianth 0; carpel 1, style 6--20 cm, thread-like, stigma floating, head-like. Bisexual Flower: perianth part 1, 2--3 mm; stamen 1; carpel 1, style generally short. Fruit: achene, 2--10 mm, ribbed, +- flat, +- winged in bisexual flowers, angled in pistillate flowers, tip truncate with off-center beak. Chromosomes: 2n=12. Ecology: Vernal pools, streams, ponds, lake margins; Elevation: < 1700 m. Bioregional Distribution: NCo, NCoRI, SN, GV, CW, SCo, PR, GB; Distribution Outside California: to western Canada, Montana, Mexico, Chile; naturalized in Australia, Iberian Peninsula. Flowering Time: Mar--Oct Note: Previously in Lilaea, yet highly nested in Triglochin, a paraphyletic genus made monophyletic by inclusion of this sp. (von Mering & Kadereit 2010). Synonyms: Lilaea scilloides (Poir.) Hauman Unabridged Note: Previously in Lilaea, sometimes in Lilaeaceae, but evidence from molecular biology, embryology, cytology, palynology indicates close relationship with Trigochlin, a paraphyletic genus made monophyletic by inclusion of this sp. (von Mering & Kadereit 2010). Jepson eFlora Author: David J. Keil Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange) Previous taxon: Triglochin palustris Next taxon: Triglochin striata
Botanical illustration including Triglochin scilloides
Citation for this treatment: David J. Keil 2012, Triglochin scilloides, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora,, accessed on February 09, 2025.
Citation for the whole project: Jepson Flora Project (eds.) 2025, Jepson eFlora,, accessed on February 09, 2025.
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Blue line denotes eFlora flowering time (fruiting time in some monocot genera).