Habit: Annual to shrub [tree]; sap clear or colored; monoecious or dioecious.
Stem: spreading to erect.
Leaf: cauline, alternate, entire in California; hairs generally stellate.
Inflorescence: cyme, spike, or raceme, generally terminal.
Staminate Flower: generally pedicelled; sepals generally 5; petals 5 or 0; stamens 8--50(300), filaments free, bent inward in bud; nectar disk generally divided.
Pistillate Flower: pedicel short or 0, becoming longer in fruit; sepals generally 5, entire to lobed; petals generally 0; nectar disk entire; ovary 1--3-chambered, styles 2-lobed, +- dissected, or simple.
Fruit: spheric or 3-lobed, smooth or tubercled.
Seed: smooth to ribbed or pitted; scar appendaged.
Species In Genus: 1200--1300 species: tropics, warm temperate, worldwide.
Etymology: (Greek: tick, for resemblance of seed)
Jepson eFlora Author: Mark H. Mayfield & Grady L. Webster
Reference: Berry et al. 2005 Amer J Bot 92:1520--1534
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Croton
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