Habit: Perennial herb from thick caudex.
Stem: little-branched, erect, > 7 mm diam; internodes with sticky brown ring.
Leaf: few, +- in lower 1/2, petioled; blade oblong to round, thick.
Inflorescence: openly branched; flowers in head, raceme, or umbel-like cluster; bracts 1--3, free, not forming involucre.
Flower: perianth funnel-shaped; stamens 3, exserted; stigma +- spheric, exserted.
Fruit: inconspicuously 10-ribbed, glabrous.
Species In Genus: 5 species: especially Chihuahuan Desert, northeastern Mexico.
Etymology: (Latin: ring stem, from sticky ring on internode)
Note: Closely related to
Jepson eFlora Author: Andy Murdock & Richard Spellenberg
Reference: Spellenberg 2003 FNANM 4:28--30
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