Habit: Annual to subshrub, variously hairy, glandular or not; +- taprooted, rhizome generally 0.
Stem: prostrate.
Leaf: cauline, generally clustered, evergreen, petioled, margin rolled under, entire or +- crenate.
Inflorescence: +- axillary; flowers 1 or clustered, sessile.
Flower: radial to +- bilateral; calyx lobes 5, not enlarged in fruit; corolla generally +- funnel-shaped, tube yellow in youth, appendages 0; style 2-lobed, stigmas 2.
Fruit: nutlets 1--4, not separate to base, 4-grooved to deep-4-lobed, +- tubercled or not.
Species In Genus: 27 species: western hemisphere deserts.
Etymology: (Native South American name for flower)
Unabridged Note: Separated from Coldenia of eastern hemisphere prior to TJM (1993).Jepson eFlora Author: Ronald B. Kelley
Unabridged Reference: Richardson 1977 Rhodora 79:467--572Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Tiquilia
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