Namaceae NAMA FAMILY |
Namaceae Habit: Annual to tree, taprooted or roots adventitious, sometimes rhizomed, generally hairy. Stem: prostrate to erect, branched. Leaf: deciduous or +- persistent, simple, generally cauline, alternate, or proximal opposite and distal alternate, venation pinnate; stipules 0. Inflorescence: cyme, raceme-like, panicle-like, head-like, terminal or axillary, or flowers 1 or paired in axils. Flower: bisexual, radial; calyx lobes 5, fused at base, +- equal, alike in shape, persistent, occasionally enlarged in fruit, sinus appendages 0; corolla deciduous, rotate, funnelform, urceolate, or urceolate-tubular, lobes 5; appendages on tube between filaments 0, appendages at tube top 0, nectary glands 0; stamens 5, epipetalous, included or +- exserted, equal or unequal, filaments equally or unequally attached within corolla tube, filament base sometimes appendaged, or base expanded; ovary generally superior, occasionally half-inferior, chambers 2 or 4, placentas 2, parietal, narrow; styles 2, terminal, branches 2, free to base or fused 3/4 to apex, stigmas generally entire or occasionally lobed; disk subtending ovary generally conspicuous. Fruit: capsule, loculicidal or loculicidal and septicidal; valves 2 or 4. Seed: (1)2--many; attached fleshy structure 0. Genera In Family: 3 genera, +- 76 species: Americas, Caribbean, Hawaii; some cultivated (Eriodictyon, Wigandia). Toxicity: Dermatitis sometimes caused by contact with glandular hairs (Eriodictyon parryi, Wigandia). Note: Previously treated within Boraginaceae in TJM2 and APG (1998) or as a tribe (Nameae) or subfamily (Namoideae) within Hydrophyllaceae; a distinct lineage from an emended Hydrophyllaceae (Ferguson 1998[1999]; Refulio-Rodríguez & Olmstead 2014). Jepson eFlora Author: Genevieve K. Walden & Robert W. Patterson Unabridged Reference: Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 1998 Ann Missouri Bot Gard 85:531--553; Ferguson 1998 [1999] Syst Bot 23:253--268; Boraginales Working Group 2016 Taxon 65:502--522; Mollinari-Novoa 2016 Weberbauerella 1(7):1--4; Refulio-Rodriguez & Olmstead 2014 Amer J Bot 101:287--299; Taylor 2012 Molecular systematics and the origins of gypsophily in Nama L. (Boraginaceae) Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ TX Austin Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange) Key to Namaceae Previous taxon: Syzygium australe Next taxon: Eriodictyon |