NATIVEHabit: Rhizome creeping, 3--8 mm wide; evergreen.
Leaf: +- regularly spaced, generally 50--120 cm, 15--30 cm wide; stipe scales lanceolate, brown, not persistent; blade thick, abaxially +- nonglandular, +- densely hairy on axes, veins, and between veins; pinnae deeply lobed, lobes narrowly oblong, entire.
Sporangia: sori small, round; indusia densely hairy.
Ecology: Along streams, seepage areas;
Elevation: 50--800 m.
Bioregional Distribution: SCo, WTR, SnGb, SnJt;
Distribution Outside California: to Arizona, southern Mexico.
Note: Rarely cultivated in southern California. 1 other variety,
Pelazoneuron puberulum var.
puberulum, Mexico to Costa Rica.
Pelazoneuron kunthii (Desv.) S.E. Fawc. & A.R. Sm., native to S.E. United States and widespread in neotropics, collected as an urban escape in South Coast (Newport Beach, Orange Co.). Recently, spp. of
Pelazoneuron have been considered by some authors to belong in the mostly tropical genus
Christella based on morphological similarity; however, these two genera are not closely related within the family based on phylogenetic evidence.
Synonyms: Thelypteris puberula (Baker) C.V. Morton var. sonorensis A.R. Sm.
Jepson eFlora Author: Susan Fawcett, John C. Game, Alan R. Smith & Thomas Lemieux
Reference: Fawcett & Smith 2021 A Generic Classification of the Thelypteridaceae. Fort Worth: Botanical Research Institute of Texas Press.
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Listed on CNPS Rare Plant Inventory
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