Dennstaedtiaceae BRACKEN FAMILY |
Dennstaedtiaceae Habit: Plant terrestrial; rhizome hairy [scaly], from bud near stipe base or not. Leaf: alike, glabrous or hairy (scaly); stipe strongly grooved adaxially; blade generally 1--5-pinnate; veins pinnate from midrib, generally forked beyond, free except sometimes at margin of fertile segments. Sporangia: at or near margin, generally +- covered by false indusia; true indusium 0 or inner, linear [conical or cup-, purse- or saucer-like], opening toward margin [or fused with it to form cup]; stalk cells in 1--3 rows; spores spheric or elliptic. Genera In Family: +- 11 genera, +- 170 species: especially tropics. Note: Variously defined, now to exclude some previously included genera, species (Smith et al. 2006); Pteridium sometimes in its own family. Jepson eFlora Author: John C. Game, Alan R. Smith & Thomas Lemieux Reference: Smith et al. 2006 Taxon 55:705--731 Unabridged Reference: Smith et al. 2006. A classification for extant ferns. Taxon 55:705--731 Scientific Editor: Alan R. Smith, Thomas J. Rosatti. Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange) Previous taxon: Cystopteris fragilis Next taxon: Pteridium |