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Hulsea vestita subsp. parryi


Higher Taxonomy
Family: Asteraceae (Compositae)View DescriptionDichotomous Key
Habit: Annual to tree. Leaf: basal and/or cauline, alternate, opposite, rarely whorled, simple to 2+ × compound. Inflorescence: 1° inflorescence a head, resembling a flower, of several types (see below), 1--many in generally +- cyme-like cluster; each head generally with +- calyx-like involucre of 1--many series of phyllaries (involucre bracts); receptacle of head flat to conic or columnar, paleate (bearing paleae = receptacle bracts) or epaleate; flowers 1--many per head. Flower: bisexual, unisexual, or sterile, +- small, of several types (see below); calyx 0 or modified into +- persistent pappus of bristles, scales, and/or awns; corolla radial or bilateral (0), lobes generally (0)3--5; stamens 4--5, filaments generally free, generally fused to corolla at tube/throat junction, anthers generally fused into cylinder around style, anther base generally rounded or cordate (deeply sagittate or with tail-like appendages), tip (= flattened appendage) generally projecting beyond pollen sac; pistil 1, 2-carpeled, ovary inferior, 1-chambered, 1-seeded, placenta basal, style 1, tip generally +- 2-branched (except in some staminate disk flowers), branch tips truncate or generally bearing +- brush-like appendages; stigmas 2, generally on adaxial faces of style branches. Fruit: achene (also called a cypsela) (drupe in Chrysanthemoides), cylindric to ovoid, sometimes compressed, generally deciduous with pappus attached.
Genera In Family: +- 1500 genera, 23000 species: worldwide, many habitats. Note: Flower and head types differ in form and sexual condition. A disk flower has a generally radial corolla, with a cylindric tube, expanded throat, and generally 5 lobes. Disk flowers are generally bisexual and fertile but occasionally staminate with reduced ovaries. Discoid heads comprise only disk flowers. A radiant head is a variant of a discoid head, with peripheral disk flower corollas expanded, often bilateral. A ray flower corolla is bilateral, generally with a slender tube and flattened petal-like ray (single lip composed of generally 3 lobes). Ray flowers are generally pistillate or sterile (occasionally lacking styles). Radiate heads have peripheral ray flowers and central disk flowers. Disciform heads superficially resemble discoid heads, with pistillate or sterile flowers that lack rays, together with or separate from disk flowers. A ligulate flower is bisexual, with a bilateral, generally ephemeral corolla and 5-lobed ligule. Liguliflorous heads comprise only ligulate flowers. See glossary p. 31 for illustrations of family characteristics. Echinops sphaerocephalus L., Gaillardia aristata Pursh, Gaillardia pulchella Foug., Hymenothrix loomisii S.F. Blake, Tagetes erecta L., Thelesperma megapotamicum (Spreng.) Kuntze are waifs. Melampodium perfoliatum Kunth, historic urban waif. Ageratum conyzoides L., Guizotia abyssinica (L. f.) Cass., Santolina chamaecyparisus L., orth. var. are rare or uncommon escapes from cultivation. Dyssodia papposa, Ismelia carinata (Schousb.) Sch. Bip. [Chrysanthemum carinatum Schousb.], Mantisalca salmantica (L.) Briq. & Cavill. are historical or extirpated waifs in California. Inula helenium L. not documented in California. Taxa of Aster in TJM (1993) treated here in Almutaster, Doellingeria, Eurybia, Ionactis, Oreostemma, Sericocarpus, Symphyotrichum; Chamomilla in Matricaria; Bahia in Hymenothrix; Cnicus in Centaurea; Conyza in Erigeron and Laennecia; Dugaldia in Hymenoxys; Erechtites in Senecio; Hymenoclea in Ambrosia; Lembertia in Monolopia; Osteospermum ecklonis in Dimorphotheca; Picris echioides in Helminthotheca; Prionopsis in Grindelia; Raillardiopsis in Anisocarpus and Carlquistia; Schkuhria multiflora in Picradeniopsis; Trimorpha in Erigeron; Venidium in Arctotis; Viguiera in Aldama and Bahiopsis; Whitneya in Arnica. Amauriopsis in TJM2 (2012) treated here in Hymenothrix; Arida in Leucosyris; Bahia in Picradeniopsis; Eucephalus in Doellingeria.
Unabridged Note: Largest family of vascular plants in California and of eudicots globally.
eFlora Treatment Author: David J. Keil, except as noted
Scientific Editor: David J. Keil, Bruce G. Baldwin.
Genus: HulseaView DescriptionDichotomous Key

Habit: Annual to perennial herb. Stem: 1--5, 1--15 dm, +- hairy, glandular. Leaf: basal and cauline, alternate; petiole generally ciliate; blade generally +- oblanceolate, entire to lobed, +- reduced distally on stem. Inflorescence: heads radiate, 10--20 mm, 1--15+ in +- flat-topped or raceme-like cluster; bracts +- narrowly lanceolate; involucre hemispheric to obconic, phyllaries many, in 2--3 series, linear to obovate, green, +- glandular, reflexed in age; receptacle flat or slightly convex, shallowly pitted, glabrous, epaleate. Ray Flower: ray yellow to red. Disk Flower: many; corolla 5--9 mm, yellow to orange, generally glabrous; anther tip ovate; style tips linear-oblong. Fruit: 4--10 mm, cylindric to club-like, black, +- hairy; pappus scales generally 2 pairs, 4--10 mm, generally deeply cut, generally translucent.
Etymology: (G.W. Hulse, United States Army surgeon, botanist, 1807--1883) Note: Self-sterile.
eFlora Treatment Author: Dieter H. Wilken
Reference: Wilken 1977 Madroño 24:48--55; Wilken 2006 FNANM 21:396--400
Species: Hulsea vestitaView Description 

Habit: Perennial herb generally 1--10 dm, woolly and/or glandular. Stem: generally leafy in proximal 1/3--1/2. Leaf: basal < 8 cm, 1--3 cm wide, generally spoon-shaped, entire to lobed, cauline few, abruptly smaller, faces generally +- densely woolly. Inflorescence: heads 1--2; bracts lanceolate to ovate, glandular, +- long-soft-hairy; involucre obconic to hemispheric, 10--20 mm diam, phyllaries 8--11 mm, oblong to obovate, acuminate, hairy. Ray Flower: 9--32; corolla 5--18 mm, ray 2--5 mm wide, yellow to red, puberulent. Fruit: 5--7 mm, moderately hairy; pappus 1--2 mm, generally +- equal.
Note: Subspecies generally geographically separated.
Hulsea vestita A. Gray subsp. parryi (A. Gray) Wilken
Habit: Plant generally 2--6 dm. Leaf: petiole generally > blade, +- green; basal leaves deeply lobed, abruptly tapered, abaxially woolly and glandular. Inflorescence: bracts sparsely woolly; phyllaries green, tips red-tinged. Ray Flower: 10--16; corolla 5--7 mm, orange to +- red. Chromosomes: 2n=38.
Ecology: Open gravel, talus slopes, sagebrush to fir forest; Elevation: 2000--2500 m. Bioregional Distribution: e SnGb, SnBr, sw DMtns (Little San Bernardino Mtns). Flowering Time: May--Aug
Jepson eFlora Author: Dieter H. Wilken
Reference: Wilken 1977 Madroño 24:48--55; Wilken 2006 FNANM 21:396--400
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)
Listed on CNPS Rare Plant Inventory

Previous taxon: Hulsea vestita subsp. inyoensis
Next taxon: Hulsea vestita subsp. pygmaea

Botanical illustration including Hulsea vestita subsp. parryibotanical illustration including Hulsea vestita subsp. parryi

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Citation for this treatment: Dieter H. Wilken 2012, Hulsea vestita subsp. parryi, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora,, accessed on September 26, 2024.

Citation for the whole project: Jepson Flora Project (eds.) 2024, Jepson eFlora,, accessed on September 26, 2024.

Hulsea vestita subsp. parryi
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©2015 Keir Morse
Hulsea vestita subsp. parryi
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©2015 Keir Morse
Hulsea vestita subsp. parryi
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©2015 Keir Morse
Hulsea vestita subsp. parryi
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©2015 Keir Morse
Hulsea vestita subsp. parryi
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©2015 Keir Morse

More photos of Hulsea vestita subsp. parryi
in CalPhotos

Geographic subdivisions for Hulsea vestita subsp. parryi:
e SnGb, SnBr, sw DMtns (Little San Bernardino Mtns).
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2. County and Jepson Region polygons can be turned off and on using the check boxes.
map of distribution 1

(Note: any qualifiers in the taxon distribution description, such as 'northern', 'southern', 'adjacent' etc., are not reflected in the map above, and in some cases indication of a taxon in a subdivision is based on a single collection or author-verified occurrence).


Data provided by the participants of the  Consortium of California Herbaria.

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All markers link to CCH specimen records. The original determination is shown in the popup window.
Blue markers indicate specimens that map to one of the expected Jepson geographic subdivisions (see left map). Purple markers indicate specimens collected from a garden, greenhouse, or other non-wild location.
Yellow markers indicate records that may provide evidence for eFlora range revision or may have georeferencing or identification issues.

CCH collections by month Flowering-Fruiting Monthly Counts

Duplicates counted once; synonyms included.
Species do not include records of infraspecific taxa, if there are more than 1 infraspecific taxon in CA.
Blue line denotes eFlora flowering time (fruiting time in some monocot genera).