Common Name: BLADDERWORT FAMILY Habit: Annual, perennial herb, carnivorous, of moist or aquatic habitats. Stem: caudex or stolon, then often with thread-like branches. Leaf: simple, in rosette, or simple or dissected, emerging from caudex or stolon, with minute, carnivorous bladders +- throughout. Inflorescence: raceme or 1-flowered, scapose. Flower: bisexual; calyx lips 2[4], upper 3-lobed, lower 2-lobed, or lips unlobed; corolla 2-lipped, spurred at base, lower lip flat or arched upward, blocking throat or not; stamens 2, epipetalous; ovary superior, chamber 1, placenta generally free-central; stigma unequally 2-lobed, +- sessile. Fruit: capsule, round, 2-valved, circumscissile, or irregularly dehiscent. Seed: generally many, small. Genera In Family: 3 genera, 330 species: worldwide, especially tropics. eFlora Treatment Author: Barry A. Rice Scientific Editor: Thomas J. Rosatti.
Common Name: BLADDERWORT Habit: Carnivorous by bladders (here treated as modified leaves), into which small organisms are sucked when hairs at opening are triggered [epiphytic]. Stem: submersed or subterranean shoots [rarely caudex]; some aquatic species produce 2 kinds of stems, green (in water or at surface; leaves with flattened or thread-like segments; bladders 0--few) and white (generally buried in substrate; leaves 0; bladders many), the latter not always present in poor collections. Leaf: simple or generally dissected into narrow segments, alternate on stolon, margins often with bristles (visible at 10--30×). Inflorescence: raceme or 1-flowered, emergent; scape slender or wiry, bracts present. Flower: calyx lips 2[4], unlobed; corolla yellow [or not], with red-brown streaks or not, upper lip +- entire, lower entire or 3-lobed, spurred; rarely cleistogamous. Fruit: capsule. Etymology: (Latin: little bag, from bladders) Note: Size variable, often unreliable for identification; distinction between stems, leaves uncertain. Glands inside bladders consist of 2 pairs of oppositely directed arms, angles of divergence between which used (at 150× or more) to identify fresh or pressed specimens. Reference: Taylor 1989 Kew Bull Add Ser 14:1--724
Utricularia ochroleuca R.W. Hartm.
NATIVE Habit: Rooted aquatic. Stem: of 2 kinds, some freely floating, green, with leaves, +- few bladders, others rooted in mud, white, without leaves, with bladders; winter buds bristly. Leaf: 5--15 mm, 3-parted at base, variously dissected above; ultimate segments < 20, +- linear, flattened, margins with 1 bristle on each of 2--7(10) teeth, tip acute. Inflorescence: 2--5-flowered; peduncle < 15 cm, < 1 mm diam. Flower: corolla 10--15 mm; lower lip +- 2 × upper, +- 2 × conical (sometimes cylindrical-tipped) spur. Fruit: not seen. Seed: not seen. Chromosomes: 2n=+-40--48. Ecology: Shallow (generally < 30 cm) acidic waters; Elevation: 1300--2400 m. Bioregional Distribution: CaRH (Plumas Co.), n SNH (El Dorado Co.), MP (Modoc Co.); Distribution Outside California: northern United States, Canada; circumboreal. Flowering Time: Jun--Sep Note: Probably of hybrid origin (Utricularia minor × Utricularia intermedia). Known from only 3--4 sites. Synonyms: Utricularia stygia G. Thor Unabridged Note: Probably of hybrid origin (Utricularia minor × Utricularia intermedia); Utricularia ochroleuca split elsewhere (Europe) into U. ochroleuca s. str. (bladder glands long arm-pair diverging by 30--45°, short arm-pair diverging by 90--160°) and U. stygia G. Thor (bladder glands long arm-pair diverging by 20--45°, short arm-pair diverging by 40--80°), both in California (U. stygia native to Alaska, northern Canada, Eur). Jepson eFlora Author: Barry A. Rice Reference: Taylor 1989 Kew Bull Add Ser 14:1--724 Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange) Previous taxon: Utricularia minor Next taxon: Utricularia subulata
Citation for this treatment: Barry A. Rice 2012, Utricularia ochroleuca, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora,, accessed on February 07, 2025.
Citation for the whole project: Jepson Flora Project (eds.) 2025, Jepson eFlora,, accessed on February 07, 2025.
Geographic subdivisions for Utricularia ochroleuca:
CaRH (Plumas Co.), n SNH (El Dorado Co.), MP (Modoc Co.)
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(Note: any qualifiers in the taxon distribution description, such as 'northern', 'southern', 'adjacent' etc., are not reflected in the map above, and in some cases indication of a taxon in a subdivision is based on a single collection or author-verified occurrence).
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Blue markers indicate specimens that map to one of the expected Jepson geographic subdivisions (see left map). Purple markers indicate specimens collected from a garden, greenhouse, or other non-wild location.
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Duplicates counted once; synonyms included.
Species do not include records of infraspecific taxa, if there are more than 1 infraspecific taxon in CA.
Blue line denotes eFlora flowering time (fruiting time in some monocot genera).