Common Name: MUSKROOT FAMILY Habit: [Perennial herb], subshrub to tree; hairs often stellate or glandular. Leaf: generally opposite, simple or compound, generally toothed; stipules generally 0. Flower: generally bisexual; calyx teeth or lobes [2]5; corolla small, radial, rotate, lobes [3--4]5; stamens [4]5, epipetalous; ovary +- inferior, chambers 1 or 3--5, 1-ovuled; styles +- 0 or 3--5. Fruit: drupe. Genera In Family: 5 genera, 200 species: especially northern temperate, also South America, southeastern Asia, tropical Africa. Note: Incl in Caprifoliaceae in TJM (1993), and possibly in future. Viburnaceae adopted as a conserved name in 2016 [Taxon 65(4):878--879, August 2016], so must be used instead of Adoxaceae for all taxa previously said to belong to Adoxaceae. eFlora Treatment Author: Charles D. Bell, except as noted Scientific Editor: Thomas J. Rosatti, Bruce G. Baldwin.
Common Name: ELDERBERRY Habit: Generally shrub to small tree, deciduous; main trunk generally 0. Stem: pith large, spongy. Leaf: 1(2)-odd-pinnately compound; leaflets serrate. Inflorescence: panicle of cymes, terminal, generally +- dome-shaped. Flower: ovary chambers 3--5, ovules pendent; style +- 0, stigma lobes 3--5. Fruit: drupe, berry-like. Seed: 3--5. Etymology: (Greek: for stringed instrument made from wood of genus) Toxicity: Toxic in quantity (except cooked fruits). eFlora Treatment Author: Charles D. Bell Reference: Bolli 1994 Diss Bot 223:1--256
Sambucus mexicana C. Presl ex DC.
NATIVE Habit: Plant 2--8 m, generally as wide as tall. Leaf: leaflets 3--9, 3--20 cm, elliptic to ovate, glabrous to hairy, axis often bowed, base often asymmetric, tip acute to acuminate. Inflorescence: 4--33 cm diam, +- flat-topped; central axis generally not dominant. Flower: petals +- spreading. Fruit: +- black, densely white glaucous (appearing +- blue). Chromosomes: 2n=36. Ecology: Common. Streambanks, open places in forest; Elevation: < 3000 m. Bioregional Distribution: CA-FP, GB, DMtns; Distribution Outside California: to British Columbia, Utah, New Mexico. Flowering Time: Mar--Sep Note: Variable, in need of study; the type of S. mexicana reinterpreted as applying to this species (Whittemore 2018). Synonyms: Sambucus caerulea Raf.; Sambucus nigra L. subsp. caerulea (Raf.) Bolli Jepson eFlora Author: Charles D. Bell Reference: Whittemore 2018 J Bot Res Inst Texas 12:69--73 Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange) Previous taxon: Sambucus Next taxon: Sambucus racemosa
Botanical illustration including Sambucus mexicana
Citation for this treatment: Charles D. Bell 2022, Sambucus mexicana, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 10,, accessed on February 09, 2025.
Citation for the whole project: Jepson Flora Project (eds.) 2025, Jepson eFlora,, accessed on February 09, 2025.
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Blue line denotes eFlora flowering time (fruiting time in some monocot genera).