Jepson Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Vascular Plants of California
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Plectritis ciliosa

Higher Taxonomy
Family: ValerianaceaeView DescriptionDichotomous Key
Habit: Annual, perennial herb, occasionally strongly scented, odor generally unpleasant. Leaf: simple to pinnately lobed or compound; petioles generally sheathing; basal +- whorled; cauline opposite, petioled to sessile. Inflorescence: cyme, panicle, or head-like, generally +- dense. Flower: generally bisexual; calyx fused to ovary tip, limb 0 or lobes generally 5--15, coiled inward, plumose in age, pappus-like, spreading in fruit; corolla radial to 2-lipped, lobes generally 5, throat generally > lobes, > tube, base generally spurred or swollen, tube slender, long or short; stamens generally 1--3, fused to petals; ovary inferior, chamber generally 1, or occasionally 3 but 2 empty or vestigial. Fruit: achene, smooth, ribbed, or winged.
Genera In Family: +- 17 genera, 300 species: generally temperate, worldwide except Australia. Some species cultivated (Centranthus), some medicinal (Valeriana).
eFlora Treatment Author: Abigail J. Moore & Lauramay T. Dempster, except as noted
Scientific Editor: Douglas H. Goldman, Bruce G. Baldwin.
Genus: PlectritisView DescriptionDichotomous Key

Habit: Annual, glabrous to subglabrous. Stem: generally erect, 5--80 cm, ×-section generally angled, branches 0--few. Leaf: simple, basal and cauline, opposite, generally entire; basal short-petioled, spoon-shaped; cauline generally sessile, oblong to ovate or obovate. Inflorescence: clustered, head-like or interrupted spike, terminal; bracts palmately divided into 3--5 linear segments. Flower: calyx 0; corolla 2-lipped to +- radial and funnel-shaped, white to dark pink, tube base generally spurred; stamens 3. Fruit: achene; body +- triangular, 2--4 mm, strongly winged or not, wings lateral, wide, +- glabrous to densely hairy.
Etymology: (Greek: spur) Note: Self-fertile; large-flowered taxa cross- and self-pollinated, small flowered taxa self-pollinated only. Wing shape, color, hairiness vary in some species.
eFlora Treatment Author: Abigail J. Moore
Reference: Morey 1962 Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford Univ
Plectritis ciliosa (Greene) Jeps.
Inflorescence: bracts +- red. Flower: corolla 1.5--8.5 mm, pink to dark pink, 2-lipped, lower lip with 2 red spots; spur slender, pointed. Fruit: convex side of mature fruit grooved lengthwise down keel, winged, pink to brown when immature; wing hairs in vertical bands especially near body, wing margin >= 2 × as thick as wing body when immature, > 3.5 × as thick as wing body when mature, wing margin rolled inwards. Chromosomes: 2n=32.
Ecology: Common. Open, partly shaded slopes; Elevation: < 2100 m. Bioregional Distribution: CA-FP; Distribution Outside California: to Washington, Arizona, northern Baja California. Flowering Time: Mar--Jun
Synonyms: Plectritis ciliosa subsp. ciliosa; Plectritis ciliosa subsp. insignis (Suksd.) Morey
Jepson eFlora Author: Abigail J. Moore
Reference: Morey 1962 Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford Univ
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)

Previous taxon: Plectritis
Next taxon: Plectritis congesta

Botanical illustration including Plectritis ciliosabotanical illustration including Plectritis ciliosa

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Citation for this treatment: Abigail J. Moore 2012, Plectritis ciliosa, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora,, accessed on December 03, 2024.

Citation for the whole project: Jepson Flora Project (eds.) 2024, Jepson eFlora,, accessed on December 03, 2024.

Plectritis ciliosa
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©2005 Steve Matson
Plectritis ciliosa
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©2010 Barry Breckling
Plectritis ciliosa
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©2022 Neal Kramer
Plectritis ciliosa
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©2005 Steve Matson
Plectritis ciliosa
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©2009 Keir Morse

More photos of Plectritis ciliosa
in CalPhotos

Geographic subdivisions for Plectritis ciliosa:
1. You can change the display of the base map layer control box in the upper right-hand corner.
2. County and Jepson Region polygons can be turned off and on using the check boxes.
map of distribution 1

(Note: any qualifiers in the taxon distribution description, such as 'northern', 'southern', 'adjacent' etc., are not reflected in the map above, and in some cases indication of a taxon in a subdivision is based on a single collection or author-verified occurrence).


Data provided by the participants of the  Consortium of California Herbaria.

View all CCH records
All markers link to CCH specimen records. The original determination is shown in the popup window.
Blue markers indicate specimens that map to one of the expected Jepson geographic subdivisions (see left map). Purple markers indicate specimens collected from a garden, greenhouse, or other non-wild location.
Yellow markers indicate records that may provide evidence for eFlora range revision or may have georeferencing or identification issues.

CCH collections by month Flowering-Fruiting Monthly Counts

Duplicates counted once; synonyms included.
Species do not include records of infraspecific taxa, if there are more than 1 infraspecific taxon in CA.
Blue line denotes eFlora flowering time (fruiting time in some monocot genera).