NATURALIZEDHabit: Rhizome scales 10--20 cm, deeply cut.
Leaf: covered with stiff, hard prickles; petiole 1--1.5 m; blade 1--2 m, +- round, +- concave abaxially, thick, rough, main lobes palmate, teeth irregular, veins prominent, especially abaxially.
Inflorescence: arising +- from ground, 50--75[100] cm, < 10 cm wide, +- conic; spikes many, dense, 2--5 cm, stout; peduncle generally 2--20 cm.
Flower: style < 1.2 mm, >= sepals.
Fruit: many, 1--2 mm, +- red, ovate to oblong.
Ecology: Uncommon. Disturbed, shaded, damp areas;
Elevation: < 100 m.
Bioregional Distribution: CCo (Marin, San Francisco cos.);
Distribution Outside California: native to Chile.
Flowering Time: Jul--Oct
Note: May spread aggressively by seeds, rhizomes.
Synonyms: Gunnera chilensis Lam.
Jepson eFlora Author: Livia Wanntorp & Elizabeth McClintock
Reference: Wanntorp & De Craene 2005 Int J Pl Sci 166:945--953
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