Common Name: GENTIAN FAMILY Habit: Annual to perennial herb [to trees]. Stem: decumbent to erect, < 2 m, simple or branched. Leaf: simple, cauline, sometimes also basal, opposite or whorled, entire, sessile or basal +- petioled; stipules 0. Flower: bisexual, radial, parts in 4s or 5s except pistil 1; sepals fused, persistent; petals fused, +- persistent, sinus between lobes often unappendaged; stamens epipetalous, alternate corolla lobes; ovary superior, chamber 1, placentas parietal, often intruding, stigmas 1--2. Fruit: capsule, 2-valved. Seed: many. Genera In Family: +- 90 genera, 1800 species: worldwide; some cultivated (Eustoma, Exacum, Gentiana). Note:Gentianella tenella moved to Comastoma. Key to genera revised by Bruce G. Baldwin. eFlora Treatment Author: James S. Pringle, except as noted Scientific Editor: Thomas J. Rosatti.
Habit: Perennial herb (non-flowering rosettes preceding flower-stems, plants dying after flowering in Frasera albomarginata, Frasera parryi, Frasera puberulenta, Frasera speciosa, and Frasera umpquaensis; non-flowering rosettes appearing with flower-stems in others). Leaf: basal +- petioled; cauline opposite or whorled, < basal, base often fused-sheathing. Inflorescence: cyme or panicle of dense clusters. Flower: parts in 4s; calyx fused near base, lobes lanceolate; corolla rotate (bell-shaped), lobes >> tube, ridge between stamens fringed or scaled or 0, nectary pits prominent, 1(2) per lobe, margins of openings variously fringed; ovary sessile, style long and well differentiated or short and poorly differentiated, persistent, entire, stigmas 2. Etymology: (J. Fraser, Scottish collector of North America pls, 1750--1811) eFlora Treatment Author: Bruce G. Baldwin Reference: von Hagen & Kadereit 2002 Syst Bot 27:548--572 Unabridged Reference: St. John 1941 Amer Midl Naturalist 21:1--29
Frasera umpquaensis M. Peck & Applegate
NATIVE Habit: Plant 3--14 dm, glabrous. Stem: 1. Leaf: basal 15--30 cm, 3--10 cm wide, spoon-shaped to obovate, tips acute; cauline wide-elliptic, tips acuminate, proximal whorled, distal often opposite, proximal to mid-stem leaves not white-margined. Inflorescence: dense, interrupted below or not; pedicels 2--10 mm. Flower: calyx 8--12 mm; corolla 8--12 mm, pale yellow-green, blue-tinged or not, lobes elliptic-ovate, obtuse to acute, ridge between stamens long-fringed, nectary pit 1 per lobe, round. Ecology: Mtn meadows; Elevation: 1700--1900 m. Bioregional Distribution: KR; Distribution Outside California: southwestern Oregon. Flowering Time: Jul--Aug Note: Treated as a synonym of Swertia fastigiata Pursh [Frasera fastigiata (Pursh) A. Heller] in TJM (1993). Synonyms: Swertia umpquaensis (M. Peck & Applegate) H. St. John Jepson eFlora Author: Bruce G. Baldwin Reference: von Hagen & Kadereit 2002 Syst Bot 27:548--572 Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange) Listed on CNPS Rare Plant Inventory Previous taxon: Frasera tubulosa Next taxon: Gentiana
Botanical illustration including Frasera umpquaensis
Citation for this treatment: Bruce G. Baldwin 2012, Frasera umpquaensis, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora,, accessed on February 08, 2025.
Citation for the whole project: Jepson Flora Project (eds.) 2025, Jepson eFlora,, accessed on February 08, 2025.
No expert verified images found for Frasera umpquaensis.
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