Selaginellaceae SPIKE-MOSS FAMILY |
Selaginellaceae Stem: wiry, generally rooting adventitiously [or not] from downward-growing leafless shoot-like structures (rhizophores), branching variable, generally not fragile when dry. Leaf: many, simple, overlapped, appressed, small, +- scale-like, 1-veined, generally grooved abaxially [or not] nearly to tip, generally +- of 2 kinds ("under-leaves" under main stem, "over-leaves" over it). Cone: paired or 1, terminal, generally 4-sided, fertile leaves not like sterile, generally strongly keeled. Sporangia: 1 per leaf axil, 2 kinds, male (generally more distal in cones, spores many, small), female (spores (1)4, large, generally orange-yellow). Genera In Family: 1 genus, +- 700 species: worldwide, generally tropics, warm temperate. Note: Despite recent progress in understanding relationships (Zhou et al. 2016 Cladistics 32:360--389; Weststrand & Korall 2016 Amer J Bot 103:2136--2159), future taxonomic changes in the family are likely. Jepson eFlora Author: Paul Wilson & Thomas J. Rosatti Reference: Valdespino 1993 FNANM 2:38--63 Scientific Editor: Alan R. Smith, Thomas J. Rosatti, Bruce G. Baldwin. Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange) Previous taxon: Lycopodium clavatum Next taxon: Selaginella |