Plumbaginaceae LEADWORT FAMILY |
Plumbaginaceae Habit: Annual to shrub [vine]. Leaf: simple, generally in basal rosette (cauline), entire or lobed. Inflorescence: raceme, cyme, or panicle (head-like in Armeria), generally scapose. Flower: bisexual, radial, generally small; calyx tubular, generally membranous or partly scarious, lobes 5, persistent; petals 5, +- free to +- fused, clawed, +- intertwined; stamens 5, opposite petals, occasionally epipetalous; ovary superior, generally 5-lobed or -ribbed, chamber and ovule 1, styles 5, occasionally fused. Fruit: utricle, achene, or capsule, +- enclosed in calyx. Genera In Family: 27 genera, +- 1000 species: +- worldwide, especially Mediterranean, western and central Asia. Note: Some cultivated as ornamental (Limonium used as dried flower). Jepson eFlora Author: Robert E. Preston & Elizabeth McClintock Reference: Lledo et al. 1998 Syst Bot 23:21--29 Scientific Editor: Douglas H. Goldman, Bruce G. Baldwin. Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange) Key to Plumbaginaceae Previous taxon: Platanus racemosa Next taxon: Armeria |