Habit: Shrub 1--4 m, generally with thorns, glabrous, hairy, or glandular-hairy.
Leaf: alternate, clustered or not, entire, small, fleshy, generally +- flat to elliptic in ×-section.
Inflorescence: clusters; flowers 1--several.
Flower: calyx cylindric to bell-shaped, lobes 2--5; corolla funnel- or bell-shaped, +- white, +- green, or +- purple, lobes 4--5; stamens attached at various levels.
Fruit: berry, 2-chambered, fleshy [dry].
Seed: 2--many.
Species In Genus: +- 100 species: warm, dry areas worldwide.
Etymology: (Latin: Lycia, ancient country of Asia Minor)
Jepson eFlora Author: Michael H. Nee
Unabridged Reference: Hitchcock 1932 Ann Missouri Bot Gard 19:179--374Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Lycium
Previous taxon: Datura wrightiiNext taxon: Lycium andersonii