Habit: Annual to subshrub, hairs +- 0 or simple, ill-smelling.
Leaf: entire to deeply lobed.
Inflorescence: flowers 1 in branch forks.
Flower: calyx circumscissile near base, leaving +- rotate collar in fruit; corolla funnel-shaped, white or +- purple, lobes 5(10); stamens attached below tube middle; ovary 2- or 4-chambered.
Fruit: capsule, leathery or woody, prickly; valves 2--4 or irregular.
Seed: +- flat, black, brown, gray-brown, or tan.
Species In Genus: +- 13 species: warm regions, especially Mexico; several ornamental, some source of drugs.
Etymology: (Hindu: ancient name)
Toxicity: All species. TOXIC.
Jepson eFlora Author: Michael H. Nee
Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Datura
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