Habit: Perennial herb; hairs +- scale-like.
Stem: decumbent, branched.
Leaf: entire to +- deeply pinnately lobed.
Inflorescence: axillary, cluster, 1--5-flowered.
Flower: calyx in fruit +- enlarged but not bladder-like, open at top; corolla +- rotate, tomentose between stamen bases; anthers free, generally < filaments, opening by slits; style 1.
Fruit: berry, spheric, partly enclosed by calyx.
Seed: +- flat, reniform.
Species In Genus: +- 9 species: especially southwestern United States, Mexico.
Etymology: (Greek: low
Saracha, a South American genus in family)
Jepson eFlora Author: Michael H. Nee
Unabridged Reference: Averett 1973 Rhodora 75:325--365Index of California Plant Names (ICPN; linked via the Jepson Online Interchange)Key to Chamaesaracha
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